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Tikiwiki 16.2注册新用户时出错

[英]Tikiwiki 16.2 Error while registering new user

I did a fresh install of 16.2 and when I try to register a new user I get the error below. 我重新安装了16.2,尝试注册新用户时出现以下错误。 I've re-extracted the zip and reinstalled the database, but I get the same error. 我已经重新提取了zip并重新安装了数据库,但是却遇到了同样的错误。

Tikiwiki is in a public_html/tiki folder and I have made no adjustments to it. Tikiwiki在public_html / tiki文件夹中,我没有对其进行任何调整。

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Here's the error: 这是错误:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend\\Math\\Exception\\RuntimeException' with message 'The RandomLib fallback pseudorandom generator is not installed. Please install it to support secure random numbers' in /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/vendor/zendframework/zend-math/src/Rand.php:75 Stack trace: #0 /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/vendor/zendframework/zend-math/src/Rand.php(60): Zend\\Math\\Rand getAlternativeGenerator() #1 /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/vendor/zendframework/zend-captcha/src/AbstractWord.php(354): Zend\\Math\\Rand getBytes(32) #2 /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/vendor/zendframework/zend-captcha/src/AbstractWord.php(340): Zend\\Captcha\\AbstractWord->generateRandomId() #3 /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/vendor/zendframework/zend-captcha/src/Image.php(447): Zend\\Captcha\\AbstractWord->generate() #4 /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/lib/captcha/captchalib.php(150): Zend\\Captcha\\Image->generate() #5 /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(171) : eval()'dc in /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/tiki/vendor/zendframework/zend-math/src/Rand.php on line 75

This also caught us out the other day and it's due to an older version of PHP 5 which hasn't got the mcrypt extension enabled, and we fixed it recently, so there are a few options for you I think: 前几天这也吸引了我们,这是由于PHP 5的较旧版本没有启用mcrypt扩展,并且我们最近对其进行了修复,因此我认为有几个选项可供您选择:

  • Upgrade to php 7 (probably not an option unless it's your own server) 升级到php 7(除非是您自己的服务器,否则可能不是一个选择)
  • Enable php-mcrypt for you php (also probably not possible) 为您的PHP启用php-mcrypt(也可能无法)
  • Try again with a recent "daily build" 16.x tarball from dev.tiki.org 请使用dev.tiki.org上最近发布的“每日构建” 16.x tarball重试。
  • Or enable one of the other CAPTCHA methods on Control panels->Security->Spam Protection , such as ReCaptcha or CAPTCHA Questions 或在“ Control panels->Security->Spam Protection上启用其他CAPTCHA方法之一,例如ReCaptchaCAPTCHA Questions


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