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[英]skip assigning value to const

I'm using flux and I found below code is not elegant. 我使用的是助焊剂,发现下面的代码并不优雅。 Can't I skip the const here? 我不能在这里跳过const吗? Is there any way to make it one line? 有什么办法使它成为一行吗?

static getPropsFromStores(props) {
    const { items } = CrudStore.getState();
    return { items };

The existing line: 现有行:

const { items } = CrudStore.getState();

...is a destructuring assignment equivalent to doing this: ...是等同于执行以下操作的解构任务

const items = CrudStore.getState().items;

Whereas this line: 而此行:

return { items };

...uses a shorthand object literal equivalent to this: ...使用与此等效的速记对象文字

return { items: items };

That is, it creates and returns a new object with a property called items with a value set to whatever the existing items variable is. 也就是说,它创建并返回一个新的对象,该对象的属性称为items ,其值设置为现有items变量的值。

So a one-line way of returning an object in the format {items: items} without creating the const would be: 因此,不创建const可以{items: items}格式返回对象的单行方法是:

static getPropsFromStores(props) {
    return { items: CrudStore.getState().items };

Write it like this: 像这样写:

static getPropsFromStores(props) {
    return {items: CrudStore.getState().items || null};

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