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[英]Change VBA code with an Excel formula

I have a column in excel with a formula =IF(O10="";"";IF(O9=O10;"";N9-3)) . 我在excel中有一列公式=IF(O10="";"";IF(O9=O10;"";N9-3)) This formula does not produce a result every time. 此公式不会每次都产生结果。 Sometimes the cells are empty. 有时单元格是空的。 So I want to copy only the filled cells in another column in order to have them sorted next to eachother. 因此,我只想将填充的单元格复制到另一列中,以使它们彼此相邻排序。 For example 例如

N  O  P    R
1  5       1
2  6       4
3  7
4  7  1
5  8
6  9
7  9  4

I did it with the following macro 我用下面的宏做到了

Sub Roll2()

With Range("P7:P2500")    
    .Offset(, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlNumbers).Copy
    '^--| consider cells with number value resulting from the formula
    .Offset(, 2).PasteSpecial SkipBlanks:=True, Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With

End Sub

Can I somehow do it without the macro? 没有宏,我能以某种方式做到这一点吗? I have a large workbook, which is built only with excel and I would like to avoid having 5 lines of code if I can. 我有一本很大的工作簿,仅使用excel构建,如果可以的话,我希望避免使用5行代码。



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