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[英]angular-material2 toolbar shadow

I am new to material2 I am trying to keep the the main app toolbar fixed on the top of the screen the problem is that the elevation is not working correctly (the content hides the drop shadow of the toolbar) I Here is my HTML code 我是材料2的新手我试图将主应用工具栏固定在屏幕顶部,问题是高程不正常(内容隐藏了工具栏的阴影)我这是我的HTML代码

.app-content {
  height: calc(100% - 64px);
  overflow: auto;
<md-toolbar class="mat-elevation-z5" color="primary" style="z-index: 100!important;">

  <button md-icon-button (click)="start.open()">
      <md-icon class="demo-toolbar-icon">menu</md-icon>

  <span class="demo-fill-remaining"></span>
<div class="app-content" style="z-index: 0!important;">
  <div class="workspace">


You have to provided position relative/absolute/fixed/static to your element to get z-index working. 您必须为元素提供位置相对/绝对/固定/静态以使z-index工作。

.mat-elevation-z5 {
   position: relative;
   z-index: 2;

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