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[英]Check if a collection contains ALL values from another collection with Deferred Execution

Consider the following classes: 考虑以下类别:

public class Recipe
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public ICollection<RecipeFacet> RecipeFacets { get; set; }

public class RecipeFacet
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public Facet Facet { get; set; }
    public string RecipeId { get; set; }

public class Facet
    public string Name { get; set; }

I need to improve an existing query. 我需要改善现有查询。 I was thinking of using Linq's deferred execution. 我当时在考虑使用Linq的延迟执行。 How would I write a Linq query that returns only Recipes , that contains ALL Facets I specify in a list of Tuples ? 我将如何编写仅返回包含我在Tuples列表中指定的所有Facets Recipes的Linq查询?

This is the original code that loops through Recipes and its Facets . 这是循环遍历Recipes及其Facets的原始代码。 It works but it is slow if my intial results query has lots of Recipes . 它可以工作,但是如果我的初始results查询中包含很多Recipes ,则速度会很慢。

IQueryable<Recipe> result; //assume we have data here

string query = "Cuisine:American+Recipe-Type:dinners";
IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> taxFacets = query
            .Split(' ')
            .Select(tf => tf.Split(':'))
            .Select(tf => new Tuple<string, string>(tf[0], tf[1]))

var recipeFacetCollection = result.Select(r => r.RecipeFacets).ToList();
var matchedRecipesIds = new List<string>();

var recIds = result.Select(r => r.Id).ToList();

// initially, include all recipes

// loop through each recipe's facet collection
foreach (var col in recipeFacetCollection)
    // loop through the tax facets from the query
    foreach (var tf in taxFacets)
        var exists = col.Any(f => f.Facet.Name.Equals(tf.Item2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
        // remove any recipe that is missing a facet
        if (!exists)

result = result.Where(r => matchedRecipesIds.Contains(r.Id));

How can I have a nice Linq query with deferred execution? 我怎样才能有一个不错的延期执行的Linq查询?

UPDATE:: 更新::

Turning my Tuple into a List allows me to do this. 把我的元组变成一个列表可以使我做到这一点。 But this query doesn't return any of my records. 但是此查询不会返回我的任何记录。

This is my criteria: 这是我的标准:

Recipes , that have a collection of RecipeFacts , that contains Facets that have Name = "American" AND Name = "dinners". Recipes ,有集合RecipeFacts ,包含Facets有名称=“美国” AND NAME =“晚餐”。

var listFacets = new List<string>()

 result = result
      .Where(r => r.RecipeFacets
      .All(f => !listFacets.Any(t => t.Equals(f.Facet.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))));

Your query logic selects all recipes whose facets don't exist in listFacets. 您的查询逻辑选择listFacets中不存在其面的所有配方。 @Hung's logic is closer but selects recipes that have all of their facets in listFacets @Hung的逻辑更接近,但选择的所有方面都在listFacets中的食谱

I think that you want to select all recipes that contain all listFacets. 我认为您想选择包含所有listFacets的所有配方。

Simplifying the example to use lists of strings: 简化示例以使用字符串列表:

        var listFacets = new[] { "a", "d" };
        var recipes = new[] { new[] { "a" },
                              new[] { "a", "d" },
                              new[] { "a", "d", "e" },
                              new[] { "x" }

        // correct query, returns 2 results ad and ade
        var result = recipes.Where(r => listFacets.All(f => r.Any(rf => rf == f)));
        // original incorrect query, returns x
        var result2 = recipes.Where(r => r.All(f => !listFacets.Any(rf => rf == f)));

I am not quite sure cause your code block is quite long but here is what I can come up with 我不太确定,因为您的代码块很长,但这是我能想到的

result = result.Where(r => r.RecipeFacets.All(f => taxFacets.Any(t => t.Item1.Equals(f.Facet.Name))));

Let me know if it helps or not 让我知道是否有帮助


result = result.Where(r => r.RecipeFacets.All(f => listFacets.Any(t => t.Equals(f.Facet.Name, StringComparison

I got this from @Rimp's help. 我是从@Rimp的帮助中获得的。

WHERE - filter 在哪里 -过滤器
ALL - Require that All values from listFacets ALL-要求listFacets中的所有值
ANY - is in ANY of the Facets . ANY-位于任何Facets

result = result
     .Where(x => listFacets
     .All(lf => x.RecipeFacets
     .Any(f => f.Facet.Slug.Equals(lf, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))));

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