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[英]How can I join three tables in Bookshelf.js?

I read the Bookshelf documentation related to through , but, but I can't found out how I should proceed. 我阅读了与through相关的书架文档,但是,我找不到应该如何进行的工作。 I have three tables named in a different convention than Bookshelf uses. 我有三个表,其名称与书架使用的约定不同。 Basically, a Group has many Users through Profile. 基本上,一个组通过配置文件有许多用户。 The last one that makes the connection. 建立连接的最后一个。

Table Name: User
   - id_user
   - username
   - password

Table Name: Profile
  - id_user
  - id_group

Table Name: Group
 - id_group
 - name
 - description
 - status

My group model is like so: 我的小组模型如下:

module.export = BookShelf.model('Group', {
  tableName: 'pats_grupos',

  users: function() {
    return this.hasMany('User').through('Profile');

Taking in consideration that my tables don't follow the _id convention (but instead, the id_ one), how can I tell Bookshelf to work with my custom table naming pattern? 考虑到我的表不遵循_id约定(而是id_一个),我如何告诉Bookshelf使用我的自定义表命名模式?

Accordingly to Bookshelf's idAttribute documentation , when not using the default 'id' you must change your models to explicitly declare the id attribute used. 根据Bookshelf的idAttribute文档 ,当不使用默认的'id'时,必须更改模型以显式声明所使用的id属性。 Like: 喜欢:

module.export = BookShelf.model('Group', {
  tableName: 'pats_grupos',
  idAttribute: 'id_group',

  users: function() {
    return this.hasMany('User').through('Profile');

And since your foreign keys are also not following Bookshelf default naming you may have to declare them explicitly on the through() call too. 并且由于您的外键也没有遵循书架默认的命名方式,因此您可能也必须在through()调用中明确声明它们。 Something like: 就像是:

users: function() {
  return this
    .through('Profile', 'id_user', 'id_group');

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