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Emacs 中的 Python 类型提示

[英]Python Type Hinting in Emacs

I am comming from PyCharm wanting to learn about Python setup with Emacs (Spacemacs).我来自 PyCharm,想了解如何使用 Emacs (Spacemacs) 设置 Python。

PyCharm has this feature called Type Hinting which basically allows specifying types and then get hints based on the specified types. PyCharm 有一个称为类型提示的功能,它基本上允许指定类型,然后根据指定的类型获取提示。 Python 3.5+ has PEP 484 -- Type Hints which allows specifying types without comments. Python 3.5+ 具有PE​​P 484 -- 类型提示,允许指定类型而不使用注释。 Before PEP 484, specifying types was done using comments.在 PEP 484 之前,指定类型是使用注释完成的。

Is there such Type Hinting available with Emacs? Emacs 有这样的类型提示吗?

Jedi 0.10.0https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/issues/858之后添加了部分 PEP 484 支持

I came across this question in 2020 and found that there is some better tooling for this.我在 2020 年遇到了这个问题,发现有一些更好的工具可以解决这个问题。 Jedi alone probably won't get you what you want.绝地本身可能无法得到你想要的东西。 Instead, you will likely want to use a combo of elpy , flycheck flycheck-pycheckers , pyflakes , and mypy .相反,您可能希望使用elpyflycheck flycheck-pycheckerspyflakesmypy

Elpy is the Emacs Python IDE package. Elpy 是 Emacs Python IDE 包。 flycheck is a general syntax-checking package for Emacs. flycheck 是 Emacs 的通用语法检查包。 flycheck-pycheckers works with flycheck to allow you to use more than one Python syntax checker since pyflakes doesn't handle type hints and mypy doesn't handle general syntax – you'll need to use both. flycheck-pycheckers 与 flycheck 配合使用,允许您使用多个 Python 语法检查器,因为 pyflakes 不处理类型提示,而 mypy 不处理一般语法——您需要同时使用两者。

So your steps would be to所以你的步骤是

  1. Install pyflakes and mypy using pip.使用 pip 安装 pyflakes 和 mypy。

  2. Install use-package in your Emacs config (I'll leave the instructions for this to you).在您的 Emacs 配置中安装use-package (我会将相关说明留给您)。

  3. Add the following lines to your init.el or .emacs:将以下行添加到您的 init.el 或 .emacs:

;; flycheck
(use-package flycheck
  :ensure t
  (global-flycheck-mode t)
  ;; note that these bindings are optional
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c n") 'flycheck-next-error)
  ;; this might override a default binding for running a python process,
  ;; see comments below this answer
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c p") 'flycheck-prev-error)
;; flycheck-pycheckers
;; Allows multiple syntax checkers to run in parallel on Python code
;; Ideal use-case: pyflakes for syntax combined with mypy for typing
(use-package flycheck-pycheckers
  :after flycheck
  :ensure t
  (with-eval-after-load 'flycheck
    (add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'flycheck-pycheckers-setup)
  (setq flycheck-pycheckers-checkers
;; elpy
(use-package elpy
  :after poetry
  :ensure t
  (add-hook 'elpy-mode-hook 'poetry-tracking-mode) ;; optional if you're using Poetry
  (setq elpy-rpc-virtualenv-path 'current)
  (setq elpy-syntax-check-command "~/.pyenv/shims/pyflakes") ;; or replace with the path to your pyflakes binary
  ;; allows Elpy to see virtualenv
  (add-hook 'elpy-mode-hook
        ;; pyvenv-mode
        '(lambda ()
           (pyvenv-mode +1)
  ;; use flycheck instead of flymake
  (when (load "flycheck" t t)
  (setq elpy-modules (delq 'elpy-module-flymake elpy-modules))
  (add-hook 'elpy-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode))
;; poetry
(use-package poetry
  :ensure t)

This solution will get you set up with both Python syntax and type hints in Emacs.此解决方案将让您在 Emacs 中使用 Python 语法和类型提示进行设置。

elpy was great in the past, I used a setup very similar to that of @jidicula. elpy过去很棒,我使用的设置与@jidicula 非常相似。 However, elpy no longer works with current versions of jedi and this problem has not been fixed for over a year now.但是, elpy不再适用于当前版本的jedi ,并且这个问题已经一年多没有得到解决。 Turns out elpy is no longer maintained, see https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy原来elpy不再维护,请参阅https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy

I tried eglot and it does the job.我尝试eglot ,它完成了这项工作。 However, eglot author insists on using obsolete flymake instead of its modern replacement flycheck .然而, eglot作者坚持使用过时的flymake而不是现代的替代flycheck flycheck can use both mypy3 and pyflakes , whereas flymake cannot, so one has to use both flycheck and flymake in the same buffer, which creates unnecessary friction and new difficulties which I'd rather not waste my time on. flycheck可以同时使用mypy3pyflakes ,而flymake不能,所以必须在同一个缓冲区中同时使用flycheckflymake ,这会产生不必要的摩擦和新的困难,我不想浪费我的时间。

lsp-mode appears to be the best choice as of now. lsp-mode似乎是目前最好的选择。 It is more popular, has 5 times more contributors and is more flexible and less opinionated because it works with both flycheck and flymake .它更受欢迎,贡献者多 5 倍,并且更灵活且不那么固执己见,因为它可以与flycheckflymake

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