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如何在F#中将DateTime转换为Unix TimeStamp?

[英]how to convert DateTime into Unix TimeStamp in F#?

is there a function / library / easy snippet doing that ? 有没有这样的函数/库/简单片段?

I've found answers for Python for example, but not F# thanks 我找到了Python的答案,但不是F#感谢

I've found the other way round here http://tryfs.net/snippets/snippet-r6 我在这里找到了相反的方法http://tryfs.net/snippets/snippet-r6

open System

let toDateTime (timestamp:int) = 
    let start = DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0,DateTimeKind.Utc) 
    start.AddSeconds(float timestamp).ToLocalTime()

You should be careful because timestamp might be something else than int . 你应该小心,因为timestamp可能不是int However in .NET 4.6.x you should be able to use the functions referred to in the comments. 但是,在.NET 4.6.x中,您应该能够使用注释中引用的功能。

.NET 4.6.2

Here's an example: 这是一个例子:

open System
let unix = DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now).ToUnixTimeSeconds() //val unix : int64 = 1488254491L
let dt =  DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unix)  //val dt : DateTimeOffset = 2017/02/28 4:01:31 +00:00
dt.LocalDateTime //val it : DateTime = 2017/02/28 13:01:31

As ToUnixTimeSeconds and FromUnixTimeSeconds operates on DateTimeOffset , either work with that or convert back/forth to DateTime if necessary. 由于ToUnixTimeSecondsFromUnixTimeSecondsDateTimeOffset运行,因此可以使用它或者在必要时来回转换为DateTime

By the way I find it that in the .fsx file the intellisense is a bit flaky for these methods (but works). 顺便说一下,我发现在.fsx文件中,intellisense对于这些方法来说有点不稳定(但有效)。 In .fs files it's OK. 在.fs文件中没关系。

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