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[英]How to insert into a sorted singly linked list?

I am making a sorted linked list where the user enters a number and the number is inserted into sorted position. 我正在制作一个有序链表,用户输入一个数字,然后将数字插入到排序位置。 I am currently having problems with the sort function. 我目前在排序功能方面遇到问题。

  class Node
        int data;
        class Node *next;

        Node(int info, Node *ptr = 0) 
            data = info; 
            next = ptr;
    class Node *head = NULL;

    class stack
        Node *temp;
            temp = 0;
        bool isEmpty()
        return temp == NULL;

I decided to go with an insert function(its called sort but really it just inserts a node into the linked list) which is why i have a current pointer and a previous pointer. 我决定使用插入函数(它被称为sort,但实际上它只是将一个节点插入到链表中),这就是为什么我有一个当前指针和一个前一个指针。 I guess my question is am i on the right path? 我想我的问题是我在正确的道路上吗? I am new to this so i just want a little bit of guidance to figure this out. 我是新手,所以我只是需要一些指导来解决这个问题。 Any tips will be appreciated. 任何提示将不胜感激。

 void sort(int data)
        class Node *born = new Node(data);
        Node* current = head;
        Node* previous = NULL;
        //the list is empty case
        if (isEmpty())
            temp = born;
            while (current != NULL)
                if (current->data >= temp->data)
                    born->next = current;
                    temp = born;
                    previous = current;
                    current = temp->next;
            if (current == head)
                born->next = head;
                head = born;
                born->next = current;
                previous->next = born;


                born->next = temp;
                temp = born;


    void print()
        cout<<"stack from the top"<<endl;
            for(Node *top = temp; top != 0; top=top->next)
                cout << top->data << " ";
            cout << endl;
        /*while(temp != NULL)

            cout<<temp->data<<" ";

    int pop()
        if (isEmpty())
                return -999;        

            int intReturn = temp->data;
            Node *top;

            top = temp;

            temp = temp->next;

            delete top;

            return intReturn;


    int main(void)
        int num=0;

        stack boss;
            cout<<"Please Enter a Number"<<endl;
            cin >> num;
            if (num == -1)

        return 0;


I have concerns about your code about the logical steps and/or the naming of things. 我对您的代码有关逻辑步骤和/或命名的担忧。 I couldn't just edit your code to fix it, so I've rewritten your code based on this understanding if you agree with me: 我不能只编辑你的代码来修复它,所以如果你同意我,我会根据这种理解重写你的代码:

  • A head points to the first node, and a tail points to the last node. head指向第一个节点, tail指向最后一个节点。
  • Check to see if the list is empty, then head and tail point to the new node. 检查列表是否为空,然后headtail指向新节点。
  • Otherwise, check to see if the new node is to be placed at the start, and do it 否则,请检查是否要将新节点放在开头,然后执行此操作
  • Otherwise, check to see if it fits in the middle, and do it 否则,检查它是否适合中间,然后执行
  • Otherwise, place it at the last place 否则,将它放在最后的位置

In addition, my other changes include: 另外,我的其他变化包括:

A. For the class stack A.对于类stack

  • I renamed it to LinkedList 我将其重命名为LinkedList
  • I put two member variables head and tail to refer to the first and last nodes 我将两个成员变量headtail放在第一个和最后一个节点上

B. For the sort() method B.对于sort()方法

  • I renamed it to insert 我将其重命名为insert
  • I explicitly wrote each of the important cases clearly (empty list, first node, middle node, last node) 我明确地清楚地写了每个重要的情况(空列表,第一个节点,中间节点,最后一个节点)

I also removed the using namespace std and explicitly wrote std:: because it is a better practice. 我还删除了using namespace std并显式编写了std::因为这是一个更好的做法。 There are also some minor changes here and there. 这里和那里也有一些小的变化。

My final code: 我的最终代码:

class Node
  int data;
  class Node* next;

  Node(int info, Node* ptr = 0) 
    data = info; 
    next = ptr;

class LinkedList
  Node* head;
  Node* tail;


    head = 0;
    tail = 0;

  bool isEmpty()
    return head == NULL;

  void insert(int data)
    Node* newNode = new Node(data);

    if (isEmpty())
      head = newNode;
      tail = newNode;
    // if node to be placed at the top
    else if (data > head->data)
      newNode->next = head;
      head = newNode;
      Node* temp = head;
      Node* previousTemp = head;

      while (temp != NULL)
        // if node to be placed in the middle
        if (temp->data < data)
          previousTemp->next = newNode;
          newNode->next = temp;
        previousTemp = temp;
        temp = temp->next;

      // if node to be placed at the end
      if (temp == NULL)
        tail->next = newNode;
        tail = tail->next;


  void print()
    std::cout << "Stack from the top" << std::endl;
    Node* temp = head;
    while(temp != NULL)
      std::cout << temp->data << " ";
      temp = temp->next;

  int pop()
    if (isEmpty())
      return -999;

    int intReturn = head->data;
    Node *top;

    top = head;

    head = head->next;

     delete top;

     return intReturn;

int main(void)
  int num = 0;
  LinkedList linkedList;

  while (num != -1)
    std::cout << "Please enter a number: ";
    std::cin >> num;
    if (num == -1)

  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

  return 0;

Does this help? 这有帮助吗?

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