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[英]Detect time lapse between two key press in Javascript

I am learning javascript and at the same time trying to create a simple script that allows you to type a foreign language on a web browser with your keyboard. 我正在学习javascript,同时尝试创建一个简单的脚本,该脚本允许您使用键盘在Web浏览器中键入外语。

So, when you type a for example, there is a single letter mapped to a, so a single character Դ would appear, however to make a character like appear, you have to type twice, since this language has more characters than the English alphabet. 所以,当你键入a例如,有映射到一个单个字母,所以单个字符Դ会出现,然而,为了使人物像出现,你必须输入两次,因为这种语言比英语更多的字符字母。

So, the problem is with that last character. 因此,问题在于最后一个字符。 Normally, I should have to type g and h consecutively in the span of one second to produce the letter, but I have problems waiting to check if within two characters have been typed within one second of eachother inorder to show that letter. 通常,我必须在一秒钟的时间范围内连续键入gh才能生成字母,但是我在等待检查是否彼此之间在一秒钟内键入两个字符以显示该字母时遇到问题。

So, I don't think time interval functions are the way to go about this, but I can't see any other method also. 因此,我认为时间间隔函数不是解决此问题的方法,但是我也看不到任何其他方法。

Like Alex mentioned, for every press, simply store new Date().getTime(); 就像Alex提到的那样,每按一次,都只需存储new Date().getTime(); in a variable, which will get you the latest UTC time. 在变量中,它将为您提供最新的UTC时间。 UTC time is given in milliseconds, so on the next key-press, just see if the current time and the stored time differ by 1000! UTC时间以毫秒为单位,因此在下一次按键时,只需查看当前时间和存储的时间是否相差1000即可!

Below is the sample code to measure the elapsed time between any 2 events. 下面是示例代码,用于测量任意两个事件之间经过的时间。 I added setTimeout just to give you an example. 我添加了setTimeout只是为了给您一个示例。

 var startTime = Date.now(); setTimeout(function(){ var elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime; console.log('elapsedTime ='+elapsedTime); }, 100); 

cautions: check key whether up in keydown() & notify keydown the key is upped in keypress(); 注意事项:检查keydown()中的键是否向上并通知keydown keypress()中的键是否已向上键;

  var start = null; $('#in').keydown(function (e) { if (!start) {//checking is a new user input start = $.now(); } }).keyup(function (e) { var timeElapsed = $.now() - start; start = null;//start the next timing tracking console.log(['time elapsed:', timeElapsed, 'ms'].join(' ')); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <label> <h2>please input some letter to test</h2> <input id="in"/> </label> 

another answer about your question,perhaps this is your truly answer. 关于您问题的另一个答案,也许这是您真正的答案。

  function duration(timestamps) { var last = timestamps.pop(); var durations = []; while (timestamps.length) { durations.push(last - (last = timestamps.pop())); } return durations.reverse(); } function display(mills) { if (mills > 1000) return (mills / 1000) + ' s'; return mills + ' ms'; } var durations = []; $('#in').keydown(function (e) { durations.push($.now()); }).keyup(function (e) { var current = durations; current.push($.now()); durations = []; var timeElapsed = current[current.length - 1] - current[0]; console.log([ ['time elapsed:', display(timeElapsed)].join(' '), ['keys duration:', duration(current).map(display)].join(' ') ].join(' --- ')); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <label> <h2>Please input something to test!</h2> <input id="in"/> </label> 

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