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[英]How to make order by faster?

I have a table with several columns to order by. 我有一张桌子,上面有几列要排序。 Those columns are float values with their corresponding indexes on them. 这些列是带有相应索引的浮点值 The table has around 5 million rows . 该表大约有500万行

The table structure id something like that: 该表的结构ID是这样的:


I need to run this query in a faster way which is basically a 100 top. 我需要以更快的方式运行此查询,该方式基本上是100强。 I would like to have some suggestions on how to do that better: 我想对如何做得更好提出一些建议:

select sql_no_cache a.* 
from MyWords w
left join TableWords wl on w.id = wl.wordID
left join MyTable a on wl.MyTableID = a.id
where w.word = 'WordToSearch'
order by a.a desc
limit 100

The indexes: 指标:

ALTER TABLE `a` ADD INDEX `a` (`a`);
ALTER TABLE `a` ADD INDEX `b` (`b`);

Using explain: 使用说明:

1   SIMPLE  w   const   uniqueWord,fulltext_word    uniqueWord  63  const   1   Using temporary; Using filesort
1   SIMPLE  wl  ref wordID  wordID  4   const   5597    
1   SIMPLE  a   eq_ref  PRIMARY,id  id  4   test.wl.a   1   

Describe TableWords: 描述TableWords:

MyTableID   int(11)   NO    MUL
wordID      int(11)   NO    MUL

Describe MyWords: 描述MyWords:

id      int(11)     NO  PRI     auto_increment
word    varchar(20) YES UNI     

Describe MyTable: 描述MyTable:

id  int(11) NO  PRI auto_increment
a   float   YES MUL 
b   float   YES MUL 

I can order by my table and it is fast, but in the moment I make a left join to that table it doesnt use the indexes anymore. 我可以按表排序,而且速度很快,但是在我向该表进行左连接时,它不再使用索引了。 I put more data in my question. 我在问题中放入了更多数据。

Thanks 谢谢

You need to provide a lot more information if you are looking for specific optimizations. 如果您正在寻找特定的优化,则需要提供更多的信息。 However in a general sense here is some things you can look into. 但是,从一般意义上讲,您可以研究以下内容。 I'll provide a short list with a link to the full details. 我将提供一个简短列表,其中包含指向完整详细信息的链接。

  1. Use Indexes 使用索引
  2. Modify/Update filesort algorithm 修改/更新文件排序算法
  3. Make sure columns use only the smallest amount of space required 确保列仅使用所需的最小空间
  4. Have lots of space available in the temporary directory 临时目录中有很多可用空间

Optimize Order By: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/order-by-optimization.html 优化订购者: https : //dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/order-by-optimization.html

Optimize Limit: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/limit-optimization.html 优化限制: https : //dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/limit-optimization.html

The only way to speed it up is to have word and a in the same table and have INDEX(word, a) . 加快速度的唯一方法是在同一表中包含worda 具有INDEX(word, a)

By doing that, both the filtering ( WHERE word = '...' ) and the ordering can be done in an index. 通过这样做, 过滤( WHERE word = '...' )和排序可以在索引中进行。 That allows LIMIT 100 to simply peel off the first hundred rows -- instead of collecting all the filtered rows, sorting them, and only then being able to peel off 100. 这使LIMIT 100可以简单地剥离前一百行-而不是收集所有过滤的行,对其进行排序,然后才可以剥离100。

There is another requirement: 'WordToSearch' must map to only one a.id . 还有另一个要求:“ WordToSearch”必须仅映射到一个a.id It is unclear from your description whether the joins are 1:1 or 1:many or many:many. 从您的描述中不清楚联接是1:1还是1:许多或许多:许多。

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