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[英]How to host my github-flavored-markdown gist as a webpage

I have created a "todo" Gist using GitHub Flavored Markdown on GitHub. 我使用GitHub上的GitHub Flavored Markdown创建了一个“ todo” Gist。 Is there any way to host it on my online DigitalOcean server? 有什么方法可以在我的在线DigitalOcean服务器上托管它?

Gists can be embedded with JavaScript : 要点可以嵌入JavaScript

You can embed a gist in any text field that supports Javascript, such as a blog post. 您可以将要点嵌入任何支持Javascript的文本字段中,例如博客文章。 To get the embed code, click the clipboard icon next to the Embed URL of a gist. 要获取嵌入代码,请单击要点的嵌入 URL旁边的剪贴板图标。

Paste the <script> tag copied from the Gist into a web page hosted on your server, eg 将从Gist复制的<script>标记粘贴到服务器上托管的网页中,例如

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>To do list</title>

    <h1>To do list</h1>
    <script src="https://gist.github.com/user/gist_id.js"></script>

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