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[英]ESLint rule to prevent overriding function by creating a const of the same name (especially during assignment)

Is there an ESLint rule that can catch the following? 是否有ESLint规则可以捕获以下内容?

const foo = () => 1

const bar = () => {
  const foo = foo() // 1. identifier 'foo' is set to undefined in this context 2. invoking foo() results in an error since `foo` is undefined
  return foo

> bar()
> Uncaught ReferenceError: foo is not defined
    at bar (<anonymous>:4:15)
    at <anonymous>:1:1

In other words, I would like to get a linter error when a const is assigned its own value. 换句话说,当给const分配自己的值时,我想得到一个linter错误。

The closest rule that I know of for your usecase is ESLint's no-use-before-define . 对于您的用例,我所知道的最接近的规则是ESLint的no-use-before-define It will see this as using foo before const foo and it will error. 它会认为这是利用foo之前const foo ,它会报错。

The only downside is that this rule doesn't do full code-flow analysis, so it will also error for cases like 唯一的缺点是此规则不进行完整的代码流分析,因此在类似以下情况下也会出错

var getFoo = () => foo;

const foo = 4;


because it still sees foo as used before const foo even though at runtime it is only used after. 因为即使在运行时它也仅在之后使用,但它仍将foo视为在const foo之前使用。 This may not be an issue if your codebase doesn't do this or can be fixed, but it may be annoying if you're adding the rule to an existing large codebase. 如果您的代码库不执行此操作或可以将其修复,则这可能不是问题,但如果将规则添加到现有的大型代码库中,则可能会很烦人。

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