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[英]Primefaces lazy data table is empty

I'm trying to implement a lazy data table on PrimeFaces (5.3) but it never renders the table. 我正在尝试在PrimeFaces(5.3)上实现一个懒惰的数据表,但它从未呈现该表。 The problem is that load() method on the lazy model class never gets called. 问题在于,永远不会调用惰性模型类上的load()方法。 The table is build from an arrayList of Strings, where each String[] (length 5) is a row in the table. 该表是根据Strings的arrayList构建的,其中每个String [](长度5)是表中的一行。

View (relevant code) 查看(相关代码)

<h:form id="formHome">
            <p:commandButton process="@this" partialSubmit="true" update="@form"
                value="obtener tabla"
    <p:dataTable id="parametros"
                            rowKey="#{registro[0]}" value="#{mbParameros.lazy}" var="registro"
                            paginator="true" lazy="true" rows="15" selectionMode="single    "
                            paginatorTemplate="{RowsPerPageDropdown} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {CurrentPageReport} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink}"
                            rowsPerPageTemplate="15,30,45" resizableColumns="false"

                            <p:ajax event="page" oncomplete="location.reload();" />

                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="Parametros, Fechas y Etiquetas" />

                            <!-- COLUMNA DE CHECKBOXES   -->
                            <p:column selectionMode="multiple" />

                            <!-- COLUMNA DEL ENTORNO GEOGRAFICO -->
                            <p:column id="col0" headerText="#{mbParametros.lazy.header}">

                                <h:outputText value="#{registro[0]}" />


                            <!-- COLUMNA DEL TIPO DE PARAMETRO -->
                            <p:column id="col1" headerText="Tipo">
                                <h:outputText value="#{registro[1]}" />

                            <!-- COLUMNA DEL NOMBRE DEL PARAMETRO -->
                            <p:column id="col2" headerText="Parametro">
                                <h:outputText value="#{registro[2]}" />

                            <!-- COLUMNA DEL VALOR DEL PARAMETRO -->
                            <p:column id="col3" headerText="Valor">
                                <h:outputText value="#{registro[3]}" />


                            <!-- COLUMNA DE LA DESCRIPCION DEL PARAMETRO -->
                            <p:column id="col4" headerText="Descripcion">
                                <h:outputText value="#{registro[4]}" />




Controller (spring controller, have prime configured with spring 3.2.16) 控制器(弹簧控制器,已配置弹簧3.2.16的填料)

public class MBParametros implements Serializable {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MBParametros.class);
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private ResourceBundleMessageSource recursos;

    private LazyDataModel<String[]> lazy;

    public void init() {
        LOG.info("ENTRA AL INIT");
        this.setLazy(new ModeloLazy(recursos) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


    public LazyDataModel<String[]> getLazy() {
        return lazy;

    public void setLazy(LazyDataModel<String[]> lazy) {
        this.lazy = lazy;

Lazy Model class (relevant code only) 惰性模型类(仅相关代码)

 public class ModeloLazy extends LazyDataModel<String[]> {
      // ArrayList of Strings that represent all table rows
    private List<String[]> tabla;    

    public List<String[]> getTabla() {
        return tabla;

    public void setTabla(List<String[]> tabla) {
        this.tabla = tabla;
    // all other fields, getters, setters, init, etc.....
        // constructor
 public ModeloLazy(ResourceBundleMessageSource recursos) {
            this.recursos = recursos;

        // load never gets called by the framework, so its an error somewhere else
public List<String[]> load(int first, int pageSize, String sortField, SortOrder sortOrder, Map<String, Object> filters) {
            return this.getTabla();

    // init() calls this method for building the table
    // after execution, tabla is not null nor empty. 
    private void construir(DTOResponse result, DTORequest request) {
            List<DTORegistro> registros = bsd.join(result, request); //OK
            for (DTORegistro dtoRegistro : registros) {
                String tipo; 
                switch(dtoRegistro.getParametro().getTipo()) {
                case 'p':
                    tipo = "Parametro";
                case 'e':
                    tipo = "Etiqueta";
                    tipo = "Fecha";
                String[] reg = {dtoRegistro.getDto().getNombre() + tipo
                        + dtoRegistro.getParametro().getValor() + dtoRegistro.getParametro().getDescripcion()};



My implementation of LazyDataModel also would not display rows until I called LazyDataModel.setRowCount(int rowCount) in the constructor of my implementation class. 在我在实现类的构造函数中调用LazyDataModel.setRowCount(int rowCount)之前,我的LazyDataModel实现也不会显示行。

My <p:dataTable> loads over 16K rows, so I use a paginator which calls load() upon page selection. 我的<p:dataTable>加载超过16,000行,因此我使用了分页器,该分页器在选择页面时调用load() load() fetches the specified rows according to arguments first and pageSize , then calls setRowCount(int rowCount) then the proper page of data is displayed in the DataTable. load() first根据参数和pageSize获取指定的行,然后调用setRowCount(int rowCount)然后在DataTable中显示正确的数据页。

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