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[英]Yii2 many to many doesn't return all relations

I have a many to many relationship of users to private leagues with a connecting table of league_user . 我有很多用户与私人联盟的关系,并有一个联盟表的league_user However, when I use $user->privateLeagues it only returns the first relationship. 但是,当我使用$user->privateLeagues ,它只返回第一个关系。

Here are my relationship definitions: 这是我的关系定义:

public function getLeagueUsers()
    return $this->hasMany(LeagueUser::className(), ['user_id' => 'id']);

public function getPrivateLeagues()
    return $this->hasMany(PrivateLeague::className(), ['id' => 'league_id'])

Example table data: 示例表数据:

league_user league_user

user_id league_id
1       1
1       2

private_leagues private_leagues

id     name
1      first
2      second


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