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[英]how to get text from multiple selected values of select2 input using javascript

I used select2 for my input select and set multiple is true. 我使用select2作为输入选择,并将倍数设置为true。 In my case, I tried to get text array from multiple selected values using javascript function. 就我而言,我尝试使用javascript函数从多个选定值中获取文本数组。

This is my javascript and html input : 这是我的javascript和html输入:

<script type="text/javascript">
   function getRoles(val) {
         var data = $('#role-cm_role').select2('data')[0].text;
         $('#role-cm_role').on('select2:unselecting', function (e) {

<select id="role-cm_role" class="form-control" name="Role[CM_ROLE][]" multiple size="4" onchange="getRoles(this.value)" style="display:none">
<option value="INQUIRY">CM Inquiry</option>
<option value="SUPERVISOR">CM Supervisor</option>

<input type="hidden" id="role-cm_role_text" class="form-control" name="Role[CM_ROLE_TEXT]">

So if I try to select one value, the result of CM_ROLE_TEXT is same with CM_ROLE . 所以,如果我尝试选择一个值,结果CM_ROLE_TEXT一样的是CM_ROLE But if I try to select multiple values, the resul of CM_ROLE_TEXT is just get a first value of CM_ROLE . 但是,如果我尝试选择多个值,的resul CM_ROLE_TEXT刚刚拿到的第一个值CM_ROLE

Result if try to select multiple values : 如果尝试选择多个值,则结果:

[CM_ROLE] => Array
            [0] => INQUIRY
            [1] => SUPERVISOR

[CM_ROLE_TEXT] => CM Inquiry // I need the result of CM_ROLE_TEXT is same with the result of CM_ROLE

Anyone can help me how to fix my issue? 任何人都可以帮助我解决问题吗? Thank you 谢谢

From what i can see, the problem is with this line right here 从我所看到的,问题出在这条线

var data = $('#role-cm_role').select2('data')[0].text;

As you are only selected the 1st [0] of the array only. 由于仅选择了阵列的第一个[0] So this is indeed the expected behaviour. 因此,这确实是预期的行为。 So to get all the results text in the array, you can perhaps do something like this 因此,要获取数组中所有结果文本,您可能可以执行以下操作

var data = $('#role-cm_role').select2('data').map(function(elem){ 
                return elem.text 

then you will have an array of all the strings selected. 那么您将拥有所有选定字符串的数组。 Read about map function here : https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map 在此处阅读有关map功能的信息: https : //developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map

Here is a live example : https://jsbin.com/qujocujuko/edit?html,js,output 这是一个实时示例: https : //jsbin.com/qujocujuko/edit?html,js,output

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