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[英]Multiple function call in one href tag

I'm developing one Flipbook by using html , css , js . 我正在使用htmlcssjs开发一本Flipbook Also, i have included video files with the Book. 另外,我在本书中包含了视频文件。 The problem with the book is, When i load the book for the first time, video file is working, after flipping Video is not working. 这本书的问题是,当我第一次加载这本书时,翻转视频后无法正常播放视频文件。 I found what the problem is. 我发现了问题所在。 It needs to be refreshed when each page turns. 每翻一页时都需要刷新。

The following is the code which i'm using to call the video file. 以下是我用来调用视频文件的代码。

<a class="voverlay" id="sk" href="index_videolb/vdbplayer.swf?volume=100&url=video/change1.mp4" onclick="javascript:myfunc();"><img  src="index_videolb/thumbnails/change1.png"/></a>

  function myfunc()

The problem with the code is, It only access the Onclick function, not href . 代码的问题是,它仅访问Onclick函数,而不访问href

Is there anyother way to access both href and onclick ? 还有其他访问hrefonclick吗?

If you have both href and onclick , href would override any onclick behaviour. 如果您同时具有hrefonclick ,则href将覆盖任何onclick行为。 To avoid that you can do, 为避免您可以做到,

    function myfunc(event)

Try this 尝试这个

function myfunc() {                            
    window.location = "index_videolb/vdbplayer.swf?volume=100&url=video/change1.mp4";

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