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如何以编程方式为 X509Certificate2 设置 PIN?

[英]How can I set PIN for a X509Certificate2 programmatically?

I need to send data to a webservice everyday so I made a scheduled task that runs my code.我需要每天将数据发送到网络服务,所以我制定了一个运行我的代码的计划任务。 The problem is the webservice requires a certificate with a PIN code.问题是网络服务需要带有 PIN 码的证书。 I have attached the certificate but I can't find a way to set the PIN to it, therefor it shows a popup everytime to enter it manually.我已附上证书,但找不到设置 PIN 的方法,因此每次手动输入时它都会显示一个弹出窗口。

Here is my code for the certificate:这是我的证书代码:

private void SendData(string data)
        using (SerWSService webService = new SerWSService())
            string certificateSN = "serial number for the certificate";


private X509Certificate2 FindCertificate(string certserial)
        X509Certificate2 WPE_UserCert = null;
        X509Store wstore = default(X509Store);
        wstore = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
        var wcerts = wstore.Certificates;
        foreach (var wcert in wcerts)
            if (wcert.SerialNumber.ToUpper() == certserial.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper())
                WPE_UserCert = wcert;

        if (WPE_UserCert != null)
            //TO DO: add PIN code to certificate


        return WPE_UserCert;

Is there any way I can set the PIN to the certificate?有什么办法可以将 PIN 设置为证书?

No, because certificates don't have PINs;不,因为证书没有 PIN; (private) keys do. (私人)钥匙做。

If you are finding a certificate with a private key and you pass that certificate to a class that expects the unified pair (eg SslStream, HttpClient) then there's no real/good solution.如果您正在查找带有私钥的证书并将该证书传递给需要统一对的类(例如 SslStream、HttpClient),则没有真正/好的解决方案。

If you are using the private key yourself, you have some leeway:如果您自己使用私钥,则有一些回旋余地:

using (RSA rsa = cert.GetRSAPrivateKey())
    RSACng rsaCng = rsa as RSACng;
    RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaCsp = rsa as RSACryptoServiceProvider;

    if (rsaCng != null)
        // Set the PIN, an explicit null terminator is required to this Unicode/UCS-2 string.

        byte[] propertyBytes;

        if (pin[pin.Length - 1] == '\0')
            propertyBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pin);
            propertyBytes = new byte[Encoding.Unicode.GetByteCount(pin) + 2];
            Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pin, 0, pin.Length, propertyBytes, 0);

        const string NCRYPT_PIN_PROPERTY = "SmartCardPin";

        CngProperty pinProperty = new CngProperty(

    else if (rsaCsp != null)
        // This is possible, but painful.
        // Copy out the CspKeyContainerInfo data into a new CspParameters,
        // build the KeyPassword value on CspParameters,
        // Dispose() the existing instance,
        // and open a new one to replace it.
        // But if you really called GetRSAPrivateKey() and it has returned an RSACng for
        // your device once, it pretty much will forever (until the next
        // new RSA type for Windows is invented... at which point it still
        // won't return an RSACryptoServiceProvider).
        // No other built-in RSA types support setting a PIN programmatically.

    // Use the key here.
    // If you needed to return it, don't put it in a using :)

在 CSP 私钥的情况下,使用CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey获取 CryptoProv 句柄,然后使用CryptSetProvParam(h,PP_SIGNATURE_PIN,pin,0)设置 PIN。

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