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[英]Every time I start/restart Eclipse it changes the Text File Encoding to Other: UTF-8 instead of the Default (Cp1252)

so I have been reading and trying all the options I have found online with no success. 所以我一直在阅读并尝试在网上找到的所有选项都没有成功。 The Problem: Every time I start/restart my Eclipse (Neon 4.6.2) the encoding is set back to Other: UTF-8 (I want it to be the Default Cp1252 ). 问题:每次启动/重新启动Eclipse(Neon 4.6.2)时,编码都会重新设置为Other:UTF-8 (我希望它是默认的Cp1252 )。 Screenshot . 截图

I have set the encoding in eclipse.ini to -Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 . 我已将eclipse.ini的编码设置为-Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 Also tried the -Dclient.encoding.override=Cp1252 option. 还尝试了-Dclient.encoding.override=Cp1252选项。 No help. 没有帮助。 Also set all other possible encodings in eclipse->Window->Preferences to Cp1252 . 同时在eclipse-> Window-> Preferences中将所有其他可能的编码设置为Cp1252 No success. 没有成功。 Info: OS Windows 10, Java JDK1.8.0_112 信息:OS Windows 10,Java JDK1.8.0_112

Anyone have any ideas? 有人有主意吗? I read that the encoding can be influenced by my JVM-encoding? 我读到编码可能会受到我的JVM编码的影响? I am really clueless here. 我在这里真的很无能为力。

我通过在Ooomp - > Setup Tasks Preference页面中启用“在启动时跳过自动任务执行”选项来修复它。

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