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[英]c# LINQ-to-XML update (save) list of elements in file after ordering

I have an XML file as such: 我有一个XML文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <BlargDate>2017-03-06 10:26:21</BlargDate>

and I am: 我是:

  • reading it in 读它
  • adding a 'Bar' element 添加'Bar'元素
  • ordering it descending by BarId 命令它由BarId下降
  • attempting to save the updated/sorted xml back to the file. 尝试更新/排序的xml 保存回文件。

although the added element is in the list after I save it, it does not keep the order I defined in code when saving. 虽然添加的元素在我保存之后位于列表中,但它在保存时不保留我在代码中定义的顺序。 Here's what i go so far (mostly working valid code) 这是我到目前为止(主要是工作有效代码)

//read in the xml file
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(...);

//add a new 'Bar' element
XElement bar1 = new XElement("Bar",
                      new XElement("BarId", 101),
                      new XElement("BarVal", "HCESAR"));

//sort descending by BarId
IEnumerable<XElement> allBars = doc.Descendants("FooMgr")
                                   .Select(x => x.Element("Bars"))
allBars = allBars.OrderByDescending(s => int.Parse(s.Element("BarId").Value));

//save file

// note: at this point the file successfully saves (along with the 
// new 'bar' value, but the order that is set for allBars does not 
// make it back into the file.

although this line: 虽然这行:

allBars = allBars.OrderByDescending(s => int.Parse(s.Element("BarId").Value));

does seem to properly sort the 'Bars' elements in code, when I save it back to the file the order is not persisted. 似乎正确地对代码中的'Bars'元素进行排序,当我将其保存回文件时,订单不会保留。

Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

You can do this before you call Save method: 您可以在调用Save方法之前执行此操作:

//Remove bar elements from your doc
//Add the ordered bar nodes

//save file

More info about Remove extension method and Add method 有关Remove扩展方法和Add方法的更多信息

First of all, your xml is not valid, i gues the right one will be: 首先,你的xml无效,我猜对了:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <BlargDate>2017-03-06 10:26:21</BlargDate>

Your allBars is just a collection of nodes it doesn't belongs to any node, so you need to hang it under Bars, i would suggest first remove all items there: 你的allBars只是一个节点的集合,它不属于任何节点,所以你需要将它挂在Bars下,我建议先删除那里的所有项目:

XElement bar1 = new XElement("Bar",
    new XElement("BarId", 101),
    new XElement("BarVal", "HCESAR"));

//sort descending by BarId
IEnumerable<XElement> allBars = doc.Descendants("FooMgr")
    .Select(x => x.Element("Bars"))

allBars = allBars.OrderByDescending(s => int.Parse(s.Element("BarId").Value));


In VB this would be 在VB中这将是

    Dim doc As XElement
    ' to load from a file
    'xe = XElement.Load(yourpath)
    ' for testing
    doc = <FooMgr>
              <BlargDate>2017-03-06 10:26:21</BlargDate>


    Dim ie As List(Of XElement) = doc.<Bars>.Elements.OrderBy(Function(el) Integer.Parse(el.<BarId>.Value)).ToList
    ' to save file
    ' doc.Save(yourpath)

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