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SQLSTATE [HY093]:参数号无效:参数未定义'

[英]SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined'

I've read a bunch of threads discussing this problem and I can't find what's wrong with my code.I have an array: 我读过很多讨论此问题的线程,但我找不到我的代码有什么问题,我有一个数组:

    $insert_arr["$key"]['customer']["$cust->Company"]['cpq_id'] = "$cust->CustomerId";
    $insert_arr["$key"]['customer']["$cust->Company"]['shop_cart_id'] = "$cust->ShopCartId";
    $insert_arr["$key"]['customer']["$cust->Company"]['user_id'] = "$cust->UserId";
    $insert_arr["$key"]['customer']["$cust->Company"]['company'] = "$cust->Company";
    $insert_arr["$key"]['customer']["$cust->Company"]['crm_id'] = empty("$cust->CRMAccountId") ? 0 : "$cust->CRMAccountId";

A bit later, I have: 稍后,我有:

$q_customer = 'insert into customers
                                  values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
$sc = $db2->prepare($q_customer);

And later still: 后来:

foreach ($insert_arr as $id => $arr) {
    foreach($arr['customer'] as $c) {

And I always get the error referenced in the title. 而且我总是得到标题中引用的错误。 I've never used PDO before, and I can't figure out what's wrong. 我以前从未使用过PDO,也无法弄清楚出了什么问题。 Help please! 请帮助!

You have to bind your parameters before to call the execute method. 您必须先绑定参数,然后才能调用execute方法。 Your array is also a 3rd dimension type, so you will need to add a foreach. 您的数组也是第3维类型,因此您将需要添加一个foreach。

Like this : 像这样 :

foreach ($insert_arr as $id => $arr) {
    foreach($arr['customer'] as $c) {
        $params = array();
        foreach($c as $param => $value) {
            $params[] = $value;

If you want to use an associative array as the argument to execute() , you have to use named placeholders, not ? 如果要使用关联数组作为execute()的参数,则必须使用命名的占位符,不是? . The placeholder names must match the array indexes. 占位符名称必须与数组索引匹配。

$q_customer = 'insert into customers (cpq_id, shopping_cart_id, user_id, company_name, crm_id) values (:cpq_id, :shop_cart_id, :user_id, :company, :crm_id)';
$sc = $db2->prepare($q_customer);
foreach ($insert_arr as $id => $arr) {
    foreach($arr['customer'] as $c) {

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