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[英]Perform a segue selection from a uicollectionview that is embedded in a tableview cell?

Currently we have a uicollectionview that is embedded in a tableview cell. 当前,我们有一个uicollectionview嵌入在一个tableview单元中。 When the collection view cell is selected it's suppose to initiate a push segue to another view controller. 当选择了集合视图单元格时,它假定对另一个视图控制器启动推送选择。 The problem is there is no option to perform the segue on the cell. 问题是没有选项可以对单元执行segue。 Is there a way around it? 有办法解决吗? Here is the cell: 这是单元格:

class CastCell : UITableViewCell {

  var castPhotosArray: [CastData] = []

  let extraImageReuseIdentifier = "castCollectCell"
  let detailToPeopleSegueIdentifier = "detailToPeopleSegue"

  var castID: NSNumber?

  @IBOutlet weak var castCollectiontView: UICollectionView!

  override func awakeFromNib() {
    castCollectiontView.delegate = self
    castCollectiontView.dataSource = self

extension CastCell: UICollectionViewDataSource {

  func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return castPhotosArray.count

  func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = castCollectiontView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: extraImageReuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! CastCollectionViewCell

    cell.actorName.text = castPhotosArray[indexPath.row].name     
    return cell

extension CastCell: UICollectionViewDelegate {

     func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
      self.castID = castPhotosArray[indexPath.row].id

     performSegue(withIdentifier: detailToPeopleSegueIdentifier, sender: self) //Use of unresolved identifier 'performSegue' error


extension CastCell {
   func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    let peopleVC = segue.destination as! PeopleDetailViewController

    peopleVC.id = self.castID

The problem is there is no option to perform the segue on the cell 问题是无法在单元上执行segue

There is no such thing as a "segue on a cell". 没有“在单元格上搜索”这样的东西。 A segue is from one view controller to another. 顺序是从一个视图控制器到另一个视图控制器。 performSegue is a UIViewController method. performSegue是一个UIViewController方法。 So you cannot say performSegue from within your CastCell class, because that means self.performSegue , and self is a UITableViewCell — which has no performSegue method. 所以你不能说performSegue从CastCell类中,因为这意味着self.performSegue ,和self是一个UITableViewCell -它没有performSegue方法。

The solution, therefore, is to get yourself a reference to the view controller that controls this scene, and call performSegue on that. 因此,解决方案是让自己获得控制该场景的视图控制器的引用,并在其上调用performSegue

In a situation like yours, the way I like to get this reference is by walking up the responder chain. 在像您这样的情况下,我希望获得此参考的方法是沿着响应者链走。 Thus: 从而:

var r : UIResponder! = self
repeat { r = r.next } while !(r is UIViewController)
(r as! UIViewController).performSegue(
    withIdentifier: detailToPeopleSegueIdentifier, sender: self)

1: A clean method is to create a delegate protocol inside your UITableViewCell class and set the UIViewController as the responder. 1:一种干净的方法是在UITableViewCell类内创建delegate protocol ,并将UIViewController设置为响应者。

2: Once UICollectionViewCell gets tapped, handle the taps inside the UITableViewCell and forward the tap to your UIViewController responder through delegatation . 2:一旦UICollectionViewCell被挖掘,处理好内部的水龙头UITableViewCell和水龙头转发给您UIViewController responder通过delegatation

3: Inside your UIViewController , you can act on the tap and perform/push/present whatever you want from there. 3:在UIViewController ,您可以按一下并执行/推动/呈现所需的内容。

You want your UIViewController to know what is happening, and not call push/presents from "invisible" subclasses that should not handle those methods. 您希望UIViewController知道正在发生的事情,而不是从不应处理这些方法的“不可见”子类中调用push / presents。

This way, you can also use the delegate protocol for future and other methods that you need to forward to your UIViewController if needed, clean and easy. 这样,您还可以将delegate protocol用于将来以及其他需要转移到UIViewController如果需要),既干净又容易。

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