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增加最大服务器内存以处理SQL Server上的System.OutOfMemoryException

[英]Increasing max server memory to deal with System.OutOfMemoryException on SQL Server

I am not very experienced so please bear with me. 我不是很有经验,所以请忍受。

I have been attempting to import a 2500 MB and 3800 MB CSV into SQL Server 2016. Unfortunately I keep getting the System.OutOfMemoryException error. 我一直试图将2500 MB和3800 MB的CSV导入SQL Server2016。不幸的是,我一直收到System.OutOfMemoryException错误。 My computer has 8.00 GB RAM so I figured I would just increase the max server memory from the default up to 4000 MB. 我的计算机有8.00 GB RAM,所以我认为我可以将最大服务器内存从默认值增加到4000 MB。 For some reason though each time I try to change the max server memory to make it higher it changes back to default. 由于某种原因,尽管每次我尝试更改最大服务器内存以使其更高时,它都会更改回默认值。 How do I fix this problem? 我该如何解决这个问题?

You can change it with : 您可以使用:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;  
sp_configure 'max server memory', 4096;  


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