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[英]Most pythonic way to get a range from the length of a list?

I'm trying to get some slices from some tuples, that look like this: 我正在尝试从一些元组中获取一些切片,如下所示:

classes = ('1 hrs                   A', '2 hrs                   A', '3 hrs                   A', '3 hrs                   B', '3 hrs                   C', '3 hrs                   C', '3 hrs                   C')

What I have done is: 我所做的是:

for i in range(len(classes)):

Which produces the desired effect of only printing out the integer portion, but it's kind of ugly with the whole range(len(classes)) portion, I was wondering if there was a different way to acheive the same results? 哪一个仅打印出整数部分会产生预期的效果,但是整个range(len(classes))部分却很难看,我想知道是否有其他方法可以达到相同的结果?

You could just do: 您可以这样做:

for i in classes:

The cleanest way is probably to iterate over classes itself, and - since you're only interested in the first element - unpack them: 最干净的方法可能是遍历classes本身,并且-由于您仅对第一个元素感兴趣,因此请对它们进行解压缩:

for item, *_ in classes:

Note, however, that this only works when the number is a single character. 但是请注意,这仅在数字为单个字符时有效。 If it has multiple characters, you should split the string: 如果它包含多个字符,则应拆分字符串:

for item in classes:

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