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[英]Django passing a foreign key from ListView to a Detailview

There is something I am not quite getting about views in Django. 关于Django中的视图,我不太了解。 My site will have a table with different jobs or loads on the table. 我的站点将有一个表,该表上具有不同的作业或负载。 This is called a load board. 这称为负载板。 This references a database table called Loadboard_table. 这引用了一个名为Loadboard_table的数据库表。 The Loadboard_table contains a foreign key to the Company_table in the Database. Loadboard_table包含数据库中Company_table的外键。 This database table contains which Company assigned this job/load and other info on the company. 该数据库表包含由哪个公司分配了该工作/工作量以及公司的其他信息。

The objective is for the user to click on any row on the loadboard and this would bring the user to the Company's "Detail" page. 目的是让用户单击装载板上的任何行,这会将用户带到公司的“详细信息”页面。 I have shown a condensed part of the code below as to not bloat the question. 我已在下面显示了代码的精简部分,以免出现问题。

table row item on Index 索引上的表格行项目

<!-- this is where I grab my Company table foreign key by clicking on one of the loadboard items -->
 <a href="{% url 'loadboard:detail' item.CompanyName_id %}">   {{item.CompanyName}}</a>

urls.py urls.py

urlpatterns = [
# /loadboard/
url(r'^$', views.IndexView.as_view(), name='index'),

# /loadboard/71/
#note this is where I am trying to pass the foreign key to
url(r'^(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$', views.DetailView.as_view(), name='detail'),

views.py views.py

from django.views import generic
from .models import Company_table, Loadboard_table

class IndexView(generic.ListView):
    template_name = 'loadboard/index.html' 
    context_object_name = 'all_loadboard' 

    def get_queryset(self):
        return Loadboard_table.objects.all() 

class DetailView(generic.DetailView):
    model = Company_table
    template_name = 'loadboard/detail.html'

detail.html detail.html

<!-- I want this detail page to show the Company that the loadboard's foreign key references -->
    <title>{% block title %}{{Company_table.CompanyName}}'s loadboard{% endblock %}</title>

Your help is greatly appreciated! 非常感谢您的帮助!

I found a way to reach the objective without using the DetailView Class. 我找到了一种无需使用DetailView类即可达到目标的方法。 I simply made a function that processes the HTTP request and takes in the CompanyId from the url. 我只是简单地做了一个处理HTTP请求并从URL接收CompanyId的函数。 I think the DetailsView class is used for a more specific situation. 我认为DetailsView类用于更具体的情况。

as the user clicks on: 用户点击时:

<a href="{% url 'loadboard:detail' item.CompanyName_id %}">{{item.CompanyName}}</a>

Then it triggers this URL pattern on urls.py: 然后,它会在urls.py上触发此URL模式:

url(r'^([0-9]+)/$', views.ViewCompanyDetails, name='detail')

Using the function on views.py: 在views.py上使用该功能:

def ViewCompanyDetails(request, CompanyId):
    CompanyObject = Company_table.objects.get(id = CompanyId)
    context = {'Company': CompanyObject}
    return render(request, 'loadboard/detail.html', context)

This achieves my objective of trying to pass the company id from where the user clicked on the table and pass it down all the way to the views page and get that HTML page. 这实现了我的目标,即尝试通过用户单击表的位置传递公司ID,并将其一直传递到视图页面并获得该HTML页面。

I might be wrong about the DetailsView class from the generic model and it being too specific to primary keys, but someone can correct me on that. 对于通用模型中的DetailsView类,我可能是错的,它对于主键过于具体,但有人可以对此进行纠正。

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