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[英]Unable to create Spring Project

I've installed SpringSource Tool Source (STS) for eclipse as it is in my installed section, shown in following image : 我已经在安装部分中安装了用于Eclipse的SpringSource Tool Source(STS),如下图所示: 在此处输入图片说明

Now When I create New Project I'm unable to create "Spring Project" from menu by navigating File>New Project> 现在,当我创建New Project时,无法通过导航到File> New Project>从菜单中创建“ Spring Project”


It only shows legacy and starter Spring projects. 它仅显示旧版和入门级Spring项目。

Why I'm unable to create "Spring Project" what I'm missing here? 为什么我无法创建“ Spring Project”,而我在这里缺少什么?

Then By searching on google I found that I've to create spring legacy project and then I've to select spring MVC Project. 然后,通过在google上搜索,我发现我必须创建spring legacy项目,然后选择spring MVC Project。 I've done the same but ended in so many error and I don't know how to resolve them as shown in the following image: 我做了同样的事情,但是结束了那么多错误,而且我不知道如何解决它们,如下图所示: 在此处输入图片说明

what step I'm missing here?? 我在这里错过了哪一步?

Open the website https://start.spring.io/ 打开网站https://start.spring.io/

  1. Select if you want generate maven or gradle project 选择是否要生成Maven或Gradle项目
  2. Select the last stable version of spring boot 选择Spring Boot的最后一个稳定版本
  3. Write Group and Artifact names to your project 将组和工件名称写入项目
  4. Choose dependencies (this is a autocomplete text box, test write "Web") 选择依赖项(这是一个自动完成的文本框,测试写为“ Web”)
  5. Click in the button Generate Project (it will download a zip with your project) 单击“生成项目”按钮(它将与您的项目一起下载一个zip文件)
  6. Unpack 解压
  7. Import the project in the Eclipse IDE 在Eclipse IDE中导入项目

I think this can help. 我认为这会有所帮助。

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