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无法将上传的文件移动到目标Drupal 8

[英]Could not move uploaded file to destination Drupal 8

I have a trouble gatting drupal to upload files (images, configuration, I guess anything). 我无法在drupal上载文件(图像,配置,我猜是什么)。 The error message is: 错误消息是:

The file could not be saved because the upload did not complete.
File upload error. Could not move uploaded file.

When I go to log it says: 当我登录时说:

Upload error. Could not move uploaded file multimedia.svg to destination public://2017-03/multimedia.svg.

I already read about permissions and here they are: 我已经阅读了有关权限的信息,它们是:

sites/default/files - 770
sites/default/files/2017-03 - 770
/tmp - 1777

However I'm able to upload & install themes and modules without any ploblems at all. 但是,我能够上传和安装主题和模块,而没有任何麻烦。 So what could it be? 那会是什么呢? And how do I fix this? 我该如何解决呢?

  1. switch php mode from "Apache module (mod_php)" to "Fast CGI (mod_fcgid)" 将php模式从“ Apache模块(mod_php)”切换为“快速CGI(mod_fcgid)”
  2. core\\includes\\file.inc function file_prepare_directory() should return true core \\ includes \\ file.inc函数file_prepare_directory()应该返回true

see this patch or just temporarily put 看到这个补丁或只是暂时放

return true;

instead of 代替

return $writable;

in the function 在功能上

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