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[英]How to use generator function in typescript

I am trying to use generator function in typescript.我正在尝试在打字稿中使用生成器功能。 But the compiler throws error但是编译器会抛出错误

error TS2339: Property 'next' does not exist on type

Below is an closest sample of my code.下面是我的代码最接近的示例。

export default class GeneratorClass {
    constructor() {
    *generator(count:number): Iterable<number | undefined> {
            yield count++;

Here is the playground link for the same 这是相同的游乐场链接

The next method exists on the generator that the function returns, not on the generator function itself. next方法存在于函数返回的生成器上,而不是生成器函数本身上。

export default class GeneratorClass {
    constructor() {
        const iterator = this.generator(10);
    *generator(count:number): IterableIterator<number> {
            yield count++;

I was seeing this error because my tsconfig.json was targeting es5 .我看到这个错误是因为我的tsconfig.json是针对es5

I simply changed (excerpted) from:我只是从以下内容更改(摘录):

"target": "es5",
"lib": [


"target": "es6",
"lib": [

and the error went away.错误消失了。

Note: For VS Code I needed to reload the window for IntelliSense to recognize the change.注意:对于 VS Code,我需要重新加载 IntelliSense 窗口以识别更改。

To solve the problem, it is very important to know the differences between generator functions (generators for short) and their return values.要解决这个问题,了解生成器函数(简称生成器)及其返回值的区别非常重要。

A generator function (marked by the asterisk) is a function, which returns a generator object.生成器函数(用星号标记)是一个返回生成器对象的函数。 The generator object fulfills the requirements of an iterator and an iterable .生成器对象满足迭代器可迭代对象的要求。

Iterators have a next method (that's the method you are looking for in your question).迭代器有一个next方法(这是您在问题中寻找的方法)。 And iterables have a property called Symbol.iterator (specifying a default iterator), which makes them usable in for-loops.可迭代对象有一个名为Symbol.iterator的属性(指定一个默认迭代器),这使得它们可以在 for 循环中使用。

Because a generator function returns a generator object and a generator object is an iterable iterator, you have to declare a return type of IterableIterator .因为生成器函数返回一个生成器对象,而生成器对象是一个可迭代的迭代器,所以你必须声明一个IterableIterator的返回类型。 In your case it will be IterableIterator<number> .在您的情况下,它将是IterableIterator<number>

Because the terms here are confusingly similar, I have recorded a Generator tutorial which explains the differences.因为这里的术语非常相似,所以我录制了一个解释差异的生成器教程 Make sure to set your target to es6 in your tsconfig.json , when using generator functions.确保您的设定targetes6tsconfig.json ,使用发电机的功能时。


Here is another example which uses the Generator type of typescript.这是另一个使用 Generator 类型的打字稿的示例。 Some of the types at the assignment of iterators eg const iterator: Generator<number> can be omitted since TS can infer them.分配迭代器时的某些类型,例如const iterator: Generator<number>可以省略,因为 TS 可以推断它们。 However I included them in this example to be more explicit.但是,为了更加明确,我将它们包含在此示例中。

class GeneratorClass {
    *generator(count:number): Generator<number> {
        while(count < 3)
            yield count++;

const generatorObject = new GeneratorClass();

// Getting our generator object which we can use as an iterator.
const iterator: Generator<number> = generatorObject.generator(1);

[LOG]: {
  "value": 1,
  "done": false
[LOG]: {
  "value": 2,
  "done": false
[LOG]: {
  "value": undefined,
  "done": true

// Alternative more clean for of syntax. 
// For of can iterate over any iterable
// Can be used since every Generator is an Iterator
const iterator2: Generator<number> = generatorObject.generator(1);

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