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[英]push empty array into react's state

http://jsbin.com/zehoceloka/1/edit http://jsbin.com/zehoceloka/1/edit

my input number is dynamic, it depends on the API how many data it has.我的输入数字是动态的,这取决于 API 有多少数据。 So firstly I map it to the view.所以首先我将它映射到视图。 But there is also a feature where user can add new item.但还有一个功能,用户可以添加新项目。 I trying to push a new empty array, but nothing happens.我试图推送一个新的空数组,但没有任何反应。 Am I doing it wrong?我做错了吗?

class HelloWorldComponent extends React.Component {

    this.addNewRow = this.addNewRow.bind(this);
    this.state = {
        "age must be above 10",
        "must wear shoe"

    const updated = this.state.rules.push("");

  render() {
    return (
        {this.state.rules.map(obj => 
           <input type="text" defaultValue={obj} />
         <button>Add New Rules</button>
         <br /><br />

The objects in the state cannot be modify, you need to extract them, modify and then add again to the state:状态中的对象是不能修改的,需要提取出来,修改后再添加到状态中:

  let rules=this.state.rules.slice();

You forgot to define the click event on button, use this:您忘记定义按钮上的点击事件,请使用:

<button onClick={this.addNewRow}>Add New Rules</button>

Few issues in this line:此行中的几个问题:

const updated = this.state.rules.push("");

1. Never mutate the state variable directly by this.state.a.push() or this.state.a = '' , always use setState to update the value. 1.永远不要通过this.state.a.push()this.state.a = ''直接改变状态变量,总是使用setState来更新值。

2. a.push() will not return the updated array , it will return the value pushed into array. 2. a.push()不会返回更新后的array ,它会返回推入数组的值。

From Doc :文件

Never mutate this.state directly, as calling setState() afterwards may replace the mutation you made.永远不要直接改变 this.state,因为之后调用 setState() 可能会替换你所做的改变。 Treat this.state as if it were immutable.将 this.state 视为不可变的。

Check this working code:检查此工作代码:

 class HelloWorldComponent extends React.Component { constructor(){ super() this.addNewRow = this.addNewRow.bind(this); this.state = { rules:[ "age must be above 10", "must wear shoe" ] } } addNewRow(e){ let updated = this.state.rules.slice(); updated.push(""); this.setState({rules:updated}); } render() { return ( <div> {this.state.rules.map(obj => <input type="text" defaultValue={obj} /> )} <button onClick={this.addNewRow}>Add New Rules</button> <br /><br /> <pre>{JSON.stringify(this.state.rules,null,2)}</pre> </div> ); } } ReactDOM.render( <HelloWorldComponent />, document.getElementById('react_example') );
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script> <div id='react_example'/>

Please try like this:请尝试这样:

var arr = this.state.rules.slice();
this.setState({ rules: arr });

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