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[英]Show spinner when data is loading on react

i'm having some trouble showing the spinner "" when i'm getting some data. 当我获取一些数据时,在显示微调框“”时遇到了一些麻烦。 I have a state.isLoading but i can't seem to set that to true before the getdata.getPossible() function starts. 我有一个state.isLoading,但是在getdata.getPossible()函数启动之前,我似乎无法将其设置为true。 Heres what i have: 这是我所拥有的:

class GetData extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      lastdraw: {},
      alldraws: [],
      bets: [],
      isLoading: false,
      showBets: false 

  componentDidMount() {
    getdata.getLastResult().then((result) => {
      this.setState({lastdraw: result.data.drawns[0]})

  getMore() {
    this.setState({isLoading: !this.state.isLoading})
    this.setState({bets: getdata.getPossible(5), showBets: !this.state.showBets})

  render() {
    return (
        <div><span>{this.state.lastdraw.numbers}</span> + <span>{this.state.lastdraw.stars}</span></div>
        <Btn onClick={this.getMore.bind(this)}>Generate</Btn>
        {this.state.showBets ? this.state.bets.map((bet, i) => {return (<PossibleKey key={this.state.bets[i].key} bets={bet}/>)}) : null}
        <Loader show={this.state.isLoading}/>

And the Loader component is like this: 加载程序组件是这样的:

function Loader(props) {
    return props.show ? (
        <div className='overlay'>
          <div className='leftEye'></div>
          <div className='rightEye'></div>
          <div className='mouth'></div>
          <p>The Universe is aligning. Please wait...</p>
    ) : null

What i want to achieve is a way for the loader component to be used elsewhere just by setting the isLoading state true or false. 我要实现的是仅通过将isLoading状态设置为true或false即可在其他地方使用加载程序组件的方法。 The getMore() function only triggers the Loader state after it executes getPossible(n). getMore()函数仅在执行getPossible(n)后才触发加载程序状态。

I think it may be something to do with the Loader receiving props only after state is set (or maybe not!!). 我认为这可能与装入器仅在状态设置后才接收道具有关(或可能没有!)。 How can i trigger the Loader on/off ?! 如何触发开/关装载机?

If you want to do something after state has updated - you can pass a callback to state method like this 如果您想在状态更新后做些什么-您可以将回调传递给状态方法,如下所示

getMore() {
  this.setState({isLoading: !this.state.isLoading}, () => {
    this.setState({bets: getdata.getPossible(5), showBets: !this.state.showBets})      

This should set the state isLoading before getPossible is called 这应该设置状态isLoading之前getPossible被称为

Sometimes the issue is sequencing the setState . 有时问题是对setState排序。 Try this: 尝试这个:

 getMore() {
    this.setState({isLoading: !this.state.isLoading}, () => {
      this.setState({bets: getdata.getPossible(5), showBets: !this.state.showBets})

Is this your target? 这是您的目标吗?

  getMore() {
    if (!this.state.isLoading) {
      this.setState({isLoading: !this.state.isLoading, bets: getdata.getPossible(5), showBets: !this.state.showBets})

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