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[英]i18next: overwrites nested items

I'm using i18next to translate my form. 我正在使用i18next来翻译我的表格。 It works fine but I have problems with nested items, for example: 它工作正常,但是我在嵌套项目方面遇到了问题,例如:

<div style="margin-bottom: 25px" class="input-group">
     <div class="checkbox">
         <label class="form" data-i18n="form.checkbox">
             <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="true" required>                                        

After applying the translation, the actual HTML code is like this: 应用翻译后,实际的HTML代码如下所示:

<div style="margin-bottom: 25px" class="input-group">
     <div class="checkbox">
         <label class="form" data-i18n="form.checkbox">
             translated value (no more <input> tag!)

It overwrites the innerHTML with the translation string. 它用翻译字符串覆盖innerHTML Instead I need to "save" existing items and append the translation after them. 相反,我需要“保存”现有项目并在其后附加翻译。

What is the correct use of i18next on a checkbox form entry? 复选框表i18nexti18next的正确用法是什么?

I had the same problem and I solved it like this: 我有同样的问题,我这样解决了:

$('[data-i18n]').each(function each() {
  const el = $(this);
  const contents = el.contents();


Edit: 编辑:

The above is oversimplifying the problem because, as you pointed out, it won't work for custom attributes. 上面的方法简化了这个问题,因为如您所指出的,它不适用于自定义属性。

Therefore I searched a bit more and I found out it's already supported by jquery-i18next#append-content like this: 因此,我进行了更多搜索,发现像这样的jquery-i18next#append-content已经支持它:

<label class="form" data-i18n="[append]form.checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="true" required>                                        

You can either specify a custom attribute or one of the special attributes like prepend, append , etc. to specify where you want the translated text to appear. 您可以指定一个自定义属性,也可以指定特殊属性之一,例如prepend,append等,以指定要在其中显示翻译后的文本的位置。 More info on jquery i18next doc 有关jquery i18next doc的更多信息

Example on jsfiddle jsfiddle上的示例

I solved in this way: 我以这种方式解决了:

<div class="checkbox">                                        
    <label class="form">                                            
        <input id="input_flag2" type="checkbox" name="disclaimer2" value="true" required>
        <span data-i18n="form.checkbox"></span>

The span tag does the trick, embedding the translated content. span标记可以解决问题,嵌入已翻译的内容。

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