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[英]Shutting Down Windows Network Using Bash

Here's my current code, which works but is slow 这是我当前的代码,可以运行但是很慢

for i in {1..255..1}; do
  for j in {1..255..1}; do
    sudo net rpc shutdown -I $ip -U Username%Password -t 1 -f
    echo $ip

I would like to be able to go through these IPs and attempt to shut them down. 我希望能够通过这些IP并尝试将其关闭。 But if there is not a PC at that IP it has to wait for it to timeout before attempting the next one. 但是,如果该IP上没有PC,则必须等待PC超时再尝试下一个PC。 So how can I find and shutdown all windows PCs on a network? 那么,如何查找和关闭网络上的所有Windows PC? (they all have the same credentials) (它们都具有相同的凭据)

A trivial solution is to just run a pile of them in parallel: 一个简单的解决方案是将它们并行运行:

for i in {1..255..1}; do
  for j in {1..255..1}; do
    sudo net rpc shutdown -I $ip -U Username%Password -t 1 -f &
    echo $ip

This runs 255 at a time and waits for them all to finish. 一次运行255,并等待它们全部完成。 Smarter and more flexible parallelization can be had through xargs , sem or parallel if Windows supports that. 如果Windows支持,则可以通过xargssemparallel进行更智能,更灵活的并行化。

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