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Angular ng-show未在视图中显示元素

[英]Angular ng-show is not showing the element in the view

I am trying to implement a simple Angular ng-show in my code but I cannot seem to make it work. 我正在尝试在代码中实现一个简单的Angular ng-show,但似乎无法使其正常工作。 I am attaching the code below. 我附上下面的代码。


  <div ng-repeat="question in data.questions track by $index" ng-if="question.visible" class="slide">

  <md-radio-group ng-model="question.selectedAnswer" ng-if="vm.showSliderChecker">
    <md-radio-button ng-repeat="ans in question.answer track by $index" ng-value="ans._id"
                     ng-click="radioBtnClick({qId: question._id, ansId: ans._id})">{{::ans.description}}

  <div class="wrapper" ng-show="vm.showSliderChecker">
 <div class="toggle_radio">
<input type="radio" class="toggle_option" id="first_toggle" name="toggle_option" >

<label for="first_toggle" class="widthEighth" ng-repeat="ans in question.answer track by $index" ng-value="ans._id"
                     ng-click="radioBtnClick({qId: question._id, ansId: ans._id}); showSliderClickedMessage()"><p> {{$index+1}} </p></label>




Angular Controller vm.checkSliderForDisplay = checkSliderForDisplay; 角控制器 vm.checkSliderForDisplay = checkSliderForDisplay;

function initController(){

function checkSliderForDisplay() {
  if($stateParams.testType === "Stress_management"){
        vm.showSliderChecker = true;

        console.log("The value of slider checker is true and here's proof ----> ");
        vm.showSliderChecker = false;
        console.log("Alas, the slider checker is just a lot of false advertising and nothing more.");


Now here's the problem: 现在这是问题所在:

The console logs are showing on the console but the both the divs stay hidden. 控制台日志显示在控制台上,但两个div都保持隐藏状态。 I have looked for a solution on this website and tried a bunch of combinations thinking I am missing some minute detail but I just can seem to make it work. 我已经在该网站上寻找解决方案,并尝试了一堆组合,以为我错过了一些细节,但似乎可以使它工作。

As you are using the Controller As synstax vm is the name you can refer to the controller in the scope. 使用控制器时由于synstax vm是名称,您可以在范围内引用控制器。

If your code is running in a different closure, like from the controller constructor, you may need to refer to it differently. 如果代码在不同的闭包中运行,例如从控制器构造函数中运行,则可能需要以不同的方式引用它。

Looks like that piece of code is called in the Controller constructor so "vm" won't be a defined variable there. 看起来该代码段是在Controller构造函数中调用的,因此“ vm”在此处不会是已定义的变量。 You should use "this" instead: 您应该使用“ this”代替:

function checkSliderForDisplay() {
  if(this.testType === "Stress_management"){
    this.showSliderChecker = true;

    console.log("The value of slider checker is true and here's proof ----> ");
    this.showSliderChecker = false;
    console.log("Alas, the slider checker is just a lot of false advertising and nothing more.");

If you add "use strict"; 如果添加"use strict"; at the top of your js files you should get some warning. 在js文件的顶部,您应该得到一些警告。

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