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[英]get_queryset() in MonthArchiveView returns all objects instead objects created only in requested month

Why get_queryset() from MonthArchiveView returns all objects from my model instead objects created only in requested month? 为什么get_queryset()返回模型中的所有对象,而不是仅在请求的月份中created对象?

class BudgetMonthlyView(MonthArchiveView):
    template_name = 'budget/monthly.html'
    model = FinanceData
    date_field = "created"
    make_object_list = False
    allow_future = False
    month_format = '%m'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(BudgetMonthlyView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        print(self.get_queryset()) #return all objects from FinanceData model
        print(context['object_list']) #works fine
        return context

It's just the way that the MonthArchiveView is implemented. 这就是MonthArchiveView的实现方式。 If you look at the source code , you can see that the object_list is returned by the get_dated_items method. 如果您查看源代码 ,则可以看到get_dated_items方法返回了object_list

It's probably implemented this way because the date archive views add other things to the context as well as the object_list , for example date_list . 之所以可以这样实现,是因为日期存档视图将其他内容以及object_list添加到上下文中,例如date_list

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