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[英]How to get element in dom-if or dom-repeat?

<dom-module id="weather-data">
  <style is="custom-style" include="iron-flex iron-flex-alignment">

 :host {
      display: block;
      font-family: Roboto;

    paper-progress {
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      position: fixed;
      width: 100%;
      --paper-progress-active-color: var(--paper-light-blue-500);
      --paper-progress-secondary-color: var(--paper-light-blue-100);

    paper-icon-button {
      margin: 0 auto;
      margin-top: 20px;
      display: block;

    #weatherIcon {
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;

    table {
      border-collapse: collapse;

    table td {
      text-align: center;
      border: 1px solid #006064;
      padding: 5px;



    params="[[_getGegevensVanLocatie(coordinaten.latitude,        coordinaten.longitude)]]"

  <template is="dom-if" id="tmp" if="[[weatherResponse]]">
    alt="Zoek mijn huidige locatie">

      <div class="horizontal center-justified layout">
        <h2>Weer voor locatie: <span>[[_maakLocationString(weatherResponse.query.results.channel.location)]]</span></h2>
      <div class="horizontal center-justified layout">


      <div class="horizontal center-justified layout">
            [[weatherResponse.query.results.channel.item.condition.temp]]° [[weatherResponse.query.results.channel.units.temperature]]
      <div class="horizontal center-justified layout">
              <iron-icon icon="icons:arrow-upward"></iron-icon>
              <iron-icon icon="icons:arrow-downward"></iron-icon>
      <div class="horizontal center-justified layout">
        <h5 id="update-time">
          Gegevens geraadpleegd om: [[weatherResponse.query.results.channel.item.condition.date]]<span></span>


        is: 'weather-data',
        properties: {
            weatherApiUrl: {
                type: String,
                value: "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql"
            coordinaten: {
                type: Array,
                value: {
                    longitude: 22,
                    latitude: 22
        ready: function() {
            if (navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query) {
                    name: 'geolocation'
                }).then(function(status) {
                    if (status.state === 'granted') {
                        console.log("Permisson already granted");
                    } else {
                        console.log("Location not YET granted, using default coordinates");
                        if (status.state === "denied") {
            } else {
                console.log("Permission not available");
                console.log("Using standard coordinates");
        _getLocation: function() {
            console.log("Getting location");
        _getGegevensVanLocatie: function(latitude, longitude) {
            var latLong = '(' + 51.0339 + ',' + 3.7094 + ')';
            return {
                format: 'json',
                q: 'select * from weather.forecast where woeid in ' +
                    '(select woeid from geo.places(1) where text="' + latLong + '") and u="c"'
        _maakLocationString: function(location) {
            if (location.city && location.region) {
                return location.city + ', ' + location.region;
            } else {
                return location.city || 'Onbekend';
        _getIcon: function(code) {
            if (code >= 37 || code <= 12) {
                return "image:flash-on";

            if (code <= 18) {
                return "image:flare";

            if (code <= 30) {
                return "image:wb-cloudy";

            return "image:wb-sunny";

So this is my code. 这就是我的代码。 What I'm trying to do is get the <paper-icon-button> element when the permission is granted on the navigator when the state is changed to granted. 我想做的是,当状态更改为“已授予”时,在导航器上授予了权限时,获取了<paper-icon-button>元素。 However this does not work with this.$.location-button or with this.$$('#location-button) . 但是,这不适用于this.$.location-buttonthis.$$('#location-button)

Is this because I use it in the ready() function? 这是因为我在ready()函数中使用了它吗?

The Polymer docs for Automated Node Finding state: 用于自动节点查找的Polymer文档状态:

Note: Nodes created dynamically using data binding (including those in dom-repeat and dom-if templates) are not added to the this.$ hash. 注意:使用数据绑定动态创建的节点(包括dom-repeatdom-if模板中的节点)不会添加到this.$哈希中。 The hash includes only statically created local DOM nodes (that is, the nodes defined in the element's outermost template). 哈希仅包含静态创建的本地DOM节点(即,元素最外层模板中定义的节点)。

So in your case, you have to query for the button with this.$$('#location-button') instead of using this.$['location-button'] . 因此,在您的情况下,您必须使用this.$$('#location-button')来查询按钮,而不是使用this.$['location-button']

I'm assuming the Boolean weatherResponse is false when you query for #location-button , in which case the button would not exist in the DOM. 我假设在查询#location-button ,布尔型weatherResponsefalse ,在这种情况下,该按钮在DOM中将不存在。 If you set the Boolean to true in ready() , you'd have to wait for the button to be stamped in the next render (with Polymer.RenderStatus.afterNextRender() ) before querying for it: 如果在ready()中将Boolean设置为true ,则在查询按钮之前,必须等待按钮在下一个渲染(使用Polymer.RenderStatus.afterNextRender() )中被标记:

ready: function() {
  this.weatherResponse = true;
  Polymer.RenderStatus.afterNextRender(this, () => {

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The dom-if template stamps its contents into the DOM only when its if property becomes truthy. dom-if模板仅在其if属性变为true时才将其内容标记到DOM中。 Once the content has been stamped it only hides and shows the content when the if property changes. 标记内容后, if属性更改,它只会隐藏并显示内容。 Though setting restamp to true destroys and creates the content anew. 尽管将restamp设置为true会破坏并重新创建内容。

Therefore you cannot locate your paper-icon-button before you have fetched your weatherResponse which it has not done in your element ready lifecycle callback. 因此,在获取weatherResponse在元素ready生命周期回调中尚未完成)之前,您无法找到paper-icon-button

Note that in the docs for polymers conditional templates usage it says: 请注意,在有关聚合物条件模板用法的文档中,它说:

Since it is generally much faster to hide and show elements rather than destroy and recreate them, conditional templates are only useful to save initial creation cost when the elements being stamped are relatively heavyweight and the conditional may rarely (or never) be true in given usages. 由于通常隐藏和显示元素比破坏并重新创建它们要快得多,因此条件模板仅在被压印的元素相对较重且在给定用法中很少(或永远不会)满足条件时才可节省初始创建成本。 。 Otherwise, liberal use of conditional templates can actually add significant runtime performance overhead. 否则,自由使用条件模板实际上会增加大量的运行时性能开销。

So perhaps changing your dom-if template into a element (eg div ) with a hidden$="[[!weatherResponse]]" attribute would be more appropriate in your case. 因此,在您的情况下,也许将dom-if模板更改为具有hidden$="[[!weatherResponse]]"属性的元素(例如div )。 This would also have the paper-icon-button be stamped when ready is called. 当调用ready时,也将在paper-icon-button上盖章。

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