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[英]How get bind Ble device list in swift?

I want to bind ble-device when connection. 我想在连接时绑定ble设备。 And when restart app, that reconnect ble-device where in binding list. 并在重新启动应用程序时,重新连接绑定列表中的ble设备。

how connect ble-device with binding? 如何通过绑定连接ble-device? how get binding list? 如何获得绑定列表? if don't get bindin list, how connect device? 如果没有得到绑定列表,如何连接设备?

please, answer. 请回答。

Well, it's too big area to explain with just answers. 好吧,这是一个太大的领域,无法仅凭答案进行解释。 Start with reading https://developer.apple.com/reference/corebluetooth 首先阅读https://developer.apple.com/reference/corebluetooth

Main classes are CBCentralManager, CBPeripheral, CBCharacteristic. 主要类是CBCentralManager,CBPeripheral,CBCharacteristic。 Just for list device, CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate would help. 仅对于列表设备, CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate会有所帮助。

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