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[英]SOLR - Index analyzing - FieldNorm

So i am using LUKE to check a SOLR index used by IBM WCS7. 因此,我正在使用LUKE检查IBM WCS7使用的SOLR索引。 I found some fields having the FieldNorm byte which means they must have been boosted when indexed. 我发现有些字段具有FieldNorm字节,这意味着在索引时必须将它们增强。 my question is, what could be the thing boosting these fields while indexing? 我的问题是,建立索引时增强这些字段的作用是什么? usually it should be an update request but i am sending none and still find these field boosted. 通常它应该是一个更新请求,但是我什么也没发送,仍然发现这些字段得到了提升。 any idea please? 有什么想法吗?

Are you checking directly on solr or are you checking the result of a search query fired from WCS? 您是直接检查solr还是检查从WCS触发的搜索查询的结果? "fieldNorm is the combination of length of the field with index and query time boosts" “ fieldNorm是具有索引和查询时间提升的字段长度的组合”

The boost can be either index time boosts or query time boosts. 提升可以是索引时间提升,也可以是查询时间提升。 Also It is not clear from the question whether the fields you are looking at are OOB fields or a custom fields you have added to SOLR. 另外,从这个问题还不清楚,您正在查看的字段是OOB字段还是您已添加到SOLR的自定义字段。

If it is OOB, you must be looking at pre-processing/schema/wc-data-config xmls to see if there are any boosts added. 如果是OOB,则必须查看预处理/模式/ wc-data-config xml,以查看是否添加了任何增强功能。 Also check the DataImportHandler class that you use to index the docs in SOLR. 还要检查用于索引SOLR中的文档的DataImportHandler类。

It is also possible to that we can give special commands to DIH for boosting. 我们还可以向DIH发出特殊命令以进行增强。 For example : $docBoost, The below link explains https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler#Special_Commands 例如:$ docBoost,下面的链接介绍了https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler#Special_Commands

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