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Python中C ++联合的等价物

[英]Equivalent of C++ union in Python

Say I have the following code in C++: 假设我在C ++中有以下代码:

union {
    int32_t i;
    uint32_t ui;

i = SomeFunc();
std::string test(std::to_string(ui));
std::ofstream outFile(test);

And say I had the value of i somehow in Python, how would I be able to get the name of the file? 并说我在Python中有某种价值, i怎么能得到文件的名称?

For those of you that are unfamiliar with C++. 对于那些不熟悉C ++的人。 What I am doing here is writing some value in signed 32-bit integer format to i and then interpreting the bitwise representation as an unsigned 32-bit integer in ui . 我在做什么在这里写一些价值signed的32位整数格式来i再解释逐位表示为unsigned的32位整数ui I am taking the same 32 bits and interpreting them in two different ways. 我采用相同的32位并以两种不同的方式解释它们。

How can I do this in Python? 我怎么能用Python做到这一点? There does not seem to be any explicit type specification in Python, so how can I reinterpret some set of bits in a different way? Python中似乎没有任何明确的类型规范,那么如何以不同的方式重新解释某些位?

EDIT: I am using Python 2.7.12 编辑:我使用的是Python 2.7.12

I would use python struct for interpreting bits in different ways. 我会使用python结构以不同的方式解释位。

something like following to print -12 as unsigned integer 类似于将-12打印为无符号整数

import struct
p = struct.pack("@i", -12)

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