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[英]Importing CSV into MySQL (WAMP), no data appears in database

I am trying to create a web page that allows end-users to upload a CSV file to a database. 我正在尝试创建一个允许最终用户将CSV文件上载到数据库的网页。 I thought I had this mapped out, and the page behaves like the data goes through. 我以为我把它映射出来了,页面的行为就像数据一样。 When I check my table, however, it's empty. 但是当我检查我的桌子时,它是空的。

I have a guid trigger for table[0] that does not exist in the CSV, so I am trying to fill data in starting at table[1]. 我有一个表[0]的guid触发器,它在CSV中不存在,所以我试图从表[1]开始填充数据。 I know my connection is solid because I am able to query data from the database on a different web page. 我知道我的连接是可靠的,因为我能够在不同的网页上查询数据库中的数据。

Here is my code, after establishing the connection to the database: 在建立与数据库的连接之后,这是我的代码:

        if ($_FILES[csv][size] > 0) {

    //get the csv file
    $file = $_FILES[csv][tmp_name];
    $handle = fopen($file,"r");

    //loop through the csv file and insert into database
    do {
    if ($data[1]) {
        mysqli_query("INSERT INTO bnsf1 (offline, unit, commodity, shipper, origin, originState, current, currentState, estimatedArrival, carType, destination, destinationState, CP_dateTime, waybillNumber, equipmentLength) VALUES
        } while ($data = fgetcsv($handle,1000,",","'"));

    header('Location: form1.php?success=1'); die;



<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Import a CSV File</title>


<?php if (!empty($_GET[success])) { echo "<b>Your file has been imported.</b><br><br>"; } //generic success notice ?>

<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">
  Choose your file: <br />
  <input name="csv" type="file" id="csv" />
  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


Thank you for looking! 谢谢你的期待!

You have to add connetion variable in you mysqli_query like this. 您必须在mysqli_query中添加连接变量,如下所示。

    mysqli_query(your connection variable,"INSERT INTO bnsf1 (offline, unit, commodity, shipper, origin, originState, current, currentState, estimatedArrival, carType, destination, destinationState, CP_dateTime, waybillNumber, equipmentLength) VALUES
        ) ");

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