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[英]How do I create an instance of a class with two generic types?

I'm trying to create an instance of a class ZipIterator which takes two arbitrary arrays as arguments and sets them equal to two private fields K[] and V[] via the constructor. 我正在尝试创建一个类ZipIterator的实例,该实例将两个任意数组作为参数,并通过构造函数将它们设置为等于两个私有字段K []和V []。 In my Testing class' main method, I'm writing 在我的Testing类的主要方法中,我正在写

import java.util.Iterator;

public class ZipIterator<K,V>
    private K[] arr1;
    private V[] arr2;
    private int pos = 0;

    public ZipIterator(K[] arr1, V[] arr2) {
        this.arr1 = arr1;
        this.arr2 = arr2;


In my Testing class' main method, I'm trying to create a ZipIterator object like this 在我的Testing类的main方法中,我试图像这样创建一个ZipIterator对象

int[] arr1 = {1,5,3,1,6};
double[] arr2 = {2.3,42.1,1.6,6.43};
ZipIterator<int[],double[]> zip =  new ZipIterator<int[],double[]>(arr1,arr2);

but I keep getting the error: 但我不断收到错误:

error: incompatible types: int[] cannot be converted to int[][]

I'm not exactly sure what I am doing wrong. 我不确定自己在做什么错。 If anybody can help, it would be greatly appreciated! 如果有人可以帮助,将不胜感激!

Think about the signature of ZipIterator<K[], V[]> when K is int[] and V is double[] . 考虑当Kint[]Vdouble[]ZipIterator<K[], V[]>的签名。

What you need to instantiate is ZipIterator<Integer, Double> ; 您需要实例化的是ZipIterator<Integer, Double> ; you cannot parametrize a class with a primitive type. 您不能参数化具有原始类型的类。

Yes, it's inefficient because of boxing/unboxing. 是的,由于装箱/拆箱,效率低下。 If you want higher performance, make wrapper classes that keep an array of a primitive type as an instance variable. 如果需要更高的性能,请使包装器类将原始类型的数组保留为实例变量。 Will be tricky to make it nicely parametric, though. 不过,要使其具有良好的参数化将非常棘手。

Look closely what happens: 仔细看看会发生什么:

You are using int[] as generic type K : 您将int[]用作通用类型K

ZipIterator<int[], double[]> zip = new ZipIterator<int[],double[]>(arr1, arr2);

Your constructor, however, is accepting an array of K , so an array of int[] would require int[][] : 但是,您的构造函数正在接受K数组,因此int[]数组将需要int[][]

public ZipIterator(K[] arr1, V[] arr2) { ... }

Notes: 笔记:

  • You shouldn't use arrays with generics, use the List interface instead: 您不应将数组与泛型一起使用,而应使用List接口:

     public ZipIterator(List<K> arr1, List<V> arr2) { ... } 

    Or, like 4castle mentioned , you can even use the Iterable interface. 或者,就像提到的4castle一样,您甚至可以使用Iterable接口。

  • Unlike what others said, an array is always an object, even if it is an array of a primitive type. 与其他人所说的不同,即使它是原始类型的数组,数组也始终是对象。 So using int[] for K is perfectly valid, whilst int is not. 因此,对K使用int[]是完全有效的,而对int则无效。

应该是ZipIterator<int,double> zip = new ZipIterator<int,double>(arr1,arr2);

Use the wrapper classes 使用包装器类

Integer[] arr1 = {1,5,3,1,6};
Double[] arr2 = {2.3,42.1,1.6,6.43};
ZipIterator<Integer,Double> zip =  new ZipIterator<>(arr1,arr2);

Edited my answer based on the comment by @4castle 根据@ 4castle的评论编辑了我的答案

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