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Visual Studio 2017和Resharper 2016.3错误

[英]Visual Studio 2017 & Resharper 2016.3 Errors

I just installed VS17 Community and Resharper 2016.3 into it. 我刚刚安装了VS17社区和Resharper 2016.3。 I'm working on a web project that was being maintained in VS13. 我正在开发一个在VS13中维护的Web项目。 Everything was fine until I installed Microsoft.CodeCom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform from NuGet (I wanted to upgrade the project to C# 6.0. 在我从NuGet安装Microsoft.CodeCom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform之前一切都很好(我想将项目升级到C#6.0。

Now Resharper is reporting 2,429 errors within my project, when the project compiles just fine. 现在,当项目编译得很好时,Resharper在我的项目中报告了2,429个错误。

I have done all the "clear cache", "suspend/resume" and restarting VS17 tricks I know and could find on the internet. 我已经完成了所有“清除缓存”,“暂停/恢复”并重新启动我知道并可以在互联网上找到的VS17技巧。 Nothing has helped this issue. 什么都没有帮助这个问题。

It looks like the Microsoft.CodeCom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform installs Roslyn which I have read has a lot of functional redundancy with Resharper. 它看起来像Microsoft.CodeCom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform安装Roslyn,我读过它与Resharper有很多功能冗余。 Could that be part of the issue? 这可能是问题的一部分吗?

Is it possible to take advantage of C# 6.0 without destroying Resharper in this environment? 是否有可能在不破坏Resharper的情况下利用C#6.0?

Thanks. 谢谢。

I have the same problem. 我也有同样的问题。 The reason is the lightweight loading technic for project files in vs 2017. Build your project and then click on "Reanalyze All" in R#: "Errors/Warnings in Solution" 原因是vs 2017中项目文件的轻量级加载技术。构建项目然后单击R#中的“重新分析全部”:“解决方案中的错误/警告”

Have similar issue, problem resolved by setting "Lightweight solution load" in solution properties to False. 有类似的问题,通过将解决方案属性中的“轻量级解决方案负载”设置为False来解决问题。

VS 2017 Community (Stable, not RC), Resharper 2016.3.2. VS 2017社区(稳定,不是RC),Resharper 2016.3.2。

Posting for anybody else running into trouble... 发布给遇到麻烦的其他人......

I did all of these suggestions, even tried reinstalling resharper ultimate- nothing worked, was still suggesting errors/warnings and my solution was building fine. 我做了所有这些建议,甚至尝试重新安装resharper最终 - 没有任何工作,仍然建议错误/警告,我的解决方案正在建设。

I disabled lightweight solution load and clicked Build -> Run Code Analysis on Solution and it eliminated all the errors/warnings. 我禁用了轻量级解决方案加载并单击了Build - > Run Code Analysis on Solution,它消除了所有错误/警告。 Looking into if some of my settings from previous VS versions didn't make it into VS17. 调查我以前的VS版本中的某些设置是否未进入VS17。

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