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[英]Nodejs and npm module offline installation

I work in company that has some corporate proxy.我在有一些公司代理的公司工作。 I am able to install nodejs but I cannot install any npm module at all.我能够安装 nodejs,但我根本无法安装任何 npm 模块。 I tried alot things, different proxy settings but none of them worked.我尝试了很多东西,不同的代理设置,但都没有奏效。 Nodejs simply can't connect to internet to fetch modules I need. Nodejs 根本无法连接到互联网来获取我需要的模块。 Basically Im trying to setup Cordova and Ionic on this computer.基本上我试图在这台计算机上设置 Cordova 和 Ionic。

I was wondering if there any way to offline install it?我想知道是否有任何方法可以离线安装它? I meant, is there any way to bring these files in USB drive or something and then install it?我的意思是,有没有办法把这些文件放在 USB 驱动器或其他东西中,然后安装它?

It is possible or not?有没有可能?

Thank you Guys:)感谢你们:)

Yes, you can use Yarn to install packages without an internet connection. 是的,您可以使用纱线来安装没有互联网连接的包。
For example, to install ionic and cordova globally: 例如,要在全球范围内安装ioniccordova

  1. On the internet machine (configure local cache location): 在Internet机器上(配置本地缓存位置):

     yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror ~/yarn-offline-mirror/ 
  2. On the offline machine (configure local cache location): 在脱机计算机上(配置本地缓存位置):

     yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror ~/yarn-offline-mirror/ 
  3. On the offline machine, Find out where is the global installation location: 在脱机计算机上,找出全局安装位置的位置:

     yarn global bin 

    (Or set it with yarn config set prefix <file_path> ) (或者使用yarn config set prefix <file_path>设置它)

  4. On the offline machine, add it to your path. 在脱机计算机上,将其添加到路径中。 Eg: 例如:

     echo 'export PATH=$PATH:'"$(yarn global bin)" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc # reload 
  5. On the internet machine, download ionic 's and cordova 's dependencies: 在互联网机器上,下载ioniccordova的依赖:

     mkdir new-cli-ionic-cordova/ cd new-cli-ionic-cordova/ yarn add ionic cordova 

    Then copy new-cli-ionic-cordova/yarn.lock and ~/yarn-offline-mirror/ to the offline machine. 然后将new-cli-ionic-cordova/yarn.lock~/yarn-offline-mirror/复制到离线机器。 ( rm -rf new-cli-ionic-cordova/ is ok now.) rm -rf new-cli-ionic-cordova/现在好了。)

  6. On the offline machine, install ionic and cordova from local cache: 在离线计算机上,从本地缓存安装ioniccordova

     cp /path/to/imported/yarn.lock . cp -n /path/to/imported/yarn-offline-mirror/* ~/yarn-offline-mirror/ yarn global add --offline ionic cordova rm -f ./yarn.lock 

You can also install packages as dependencies for a single project using a similar process. 您还可以使用类似的过程将包安装为单个项目的依赖项。 For more info, see my post here: https://assafmo.github.io/2018/04/11/yarn-offline.html 有关详细信息,请参阅我的帖子: https//assafmo.github.io/2018/04/11/yarn-offline.html

first I would try to get the npm-config working for your proxy. 首先,我会尝试让npm-config适用于您的代理。 Talk to your IT how to connect to the https://www.npmjs.com/package/ registry . 与您的IT部门联系,了解如何连接到https://www.npmjs.com/package/ 注册表 Probably these links can be helpful (just in case you didn't find them yet): 可能这些链接可能会有所帮助(以防您还没有找到它们):

Probably you can post the logging output and someone can help you. 可能你可以发布日志输出,有人可以帮助你。

Only if this fails, I'd think about setting up a local package registry . 只有在失败的情况下,我才考虑设置本地包注册表 Probably Sinopia can help you. 可能Sinopia可以帮到你。 But...: 但...:

  • A) When your IT won't allow you to connect to the official registry via network, why should they allow you to do so via USB? A)当您的IT不允许您通过网络连接到官方注册表时,为什么他们允许您通过USB进行连接?
  • B) This would introduce lots of work overhead to keep the your local package registry in sync with the official registry. B)这将引入大量的工作开销,以使本地包注册表与官方注册表保持同步。 And this effort obviously has to happen outside your workplace. 而这种努力显然必须在你的工作场所之外发生。

Any other thoughts? 还有其他想法吗?

You can get npm to work behind a proxy to solve the problem. 您可以让npm在代理后面工作以解决问题。 For this, it is important to set both HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. 为此,设置HTTP_PROXY和HTTPS_PROXY环境变量非常重要。

For HTTP_PROXY you can use 对于HTTP_PROXY,您可以使用

npm config set proxy http://proxy_host:port

For HTTPS_PROXY you can try this one 对于HTTPS_PROXY,您可以尝试这个

 npm config set https-proxy http://proxy.company.com:8080
  1. offline install nodejs:离线安装nodejs:

step1: download nodejs: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ step1:下载nodejs: https://nodejs.org/en/download/

step2: tar xvf node-v16.17.0-linux-x64.tar.xz第二步: tar xvf node-v16.17.0-linux-x64.tar.xz

step3: add to env:第三步:添加到环境中:

vim /etc/profile.d/nodejs.sh:
export PATH=/YOUR-PATH-TO/node-v12.16.2-linux-s390x/bin:$PATH


vim ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH=/YOUR-PATH-TO/node-v12.16.2-linux-s390x/bin:$PATH
  1. offline install npm packages or node_modules:离线安装 npm 包或 node_modules:

method 1:方法一:

on machine A which has internet access:
npm install all the packages needed
upload the node_modules/* to /YOUR-PATH-TO/node-v12.16.2-linux-s390x/lib/node_modules/

method 2:方法二:

on machine A which has internet access:
>npm install -g npm-bundle
>npm install -g eslint
>npm-bundle eslint
on the target machine which has no internet access:
>npm install -g ./eslint-7.8.1.tgz

refer to js overview 参考js概述

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