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[英]Storing/Tracking arraylist objects to table elements

Q: How do I keep track of which ArrayList element belongs to which element in a JTable for when I later have to put it all together into one single ArrayList ? 问:当我以后不得不将所有ArrayList元素归为一个单独的ArrayList时,如何跟踪该元素属于JTable哪个元素?


I have an interface Media , and 3 classes implementing it: Book , Movie , Album . 我有一个Media接口,以及3个实现它的类: BookMovieAlbum Album has an ArrayList of Songs (also a class I made, obviously). Album有一个ArrayList of Songs (显然也是我制作的一个类)。

I made a JTable as per usual with Object[][] where I can put in String s, int s and such for the time being and the user can add rows, remove rows, edit the cells, and then later I planned on going through the data and making each thing specified in the JTable and putting them into an ArrayList called ListOne of type Media so I can use ObjectOutputStream and save the List (yes, this is a demand in the assignment, I would've kept it simple personally). 我使用Object[][]像往常一样制作了一个JTable ,暂时可以在其中放入Stringint ,用户可以添加行,删除行,编辑单元格,然后我计划继续通过数据,使在指定的每一件事情JTable ,并把它们放入一个ArrayList称为那么listOne类型的Media ,所以我可以使用ObjectOutputStream并保存List (是的,这是在分配的需求,我已经把它简单的个人)。

But the problem is Songs are an ArrayList in the class Album , and so I made another JFrame with a JTable where one can similarly fill that one out, and then I thought I would store all of the songs the user provides into a temporary Album -object. 但是问题是SongsAlbum类中的ArrayList ,所以我用JTable制作了另一个JFrame ,在其中可以类似地填充该JTable ,然后我想我会将用户提供的所有歌曲存储到一个临时Album -宾语。 But where do I go from here? 但是我从这里去哪里呢? I can't keep track of them like this if the user deletes the corresponding Album in the first JTable . 如果用户在第一个JTable删除相应的Album ,我将无法跟踪它们。

If I store these Album s in an ArrayList called ListTwo , and if the user decides to delete no.6 in ListOne , and no.6 happens to be an Album , I have to know which one to delete in ListTwo now and make sure the others' ID or key isn't affected as a result because I will need to pair them properly later. 如果我将这些Album存储在名为ListTwoArrayList ,并且如果用户决定删除ListOne中的 6号,而6号恰好是Album ,则我必须知道现在要删除ListTwo中的哪一个,并确保因此,其他人的ID或密钥不会受到影响,因为稍后需要正确配对。 I need to know which Album 's songs in ListTwo to transfer to which of the Album s in ListOne so I can save it later. 我需要知道哪些Album的在ListTwo歌曲转移到其的Album S IN 那么listOne,所以我可以稍后保存。

So how would I go about keeping track of this and connecting them later? 那么我将如何跟踪并稍后将它们连接起来?

Preliminary code: 初步代码:

Media interface class: 媒体接口类:

public interface Media {
    void setAuthor(String author);
    String getAuthor();

Book class: 书本类:

public class Book implements Media {

    private String author;

        this.author = "";


    public void setAuthor(String author) {
        this.author = author;
    public String getAuthor() {
        return this.author;


CD(Album) class: CD(专辑)类

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class CD implements Media {

    public class Song {
        private int seconds;
        private String songName;
        private String artist;

        Song(String name, int seconds, String artist){
            this.songName = name;
            this.seconds = seconds;
            this.artist = artist;

        public String getName(){
            return this.songName;
        public void setName(String name){
            this.songName = name;

    private ArrayList<Song> songs;

    private String artist;

        songs = new ArrayList<Song>();
        this.artist = "";

    public void addSong(String name, int seconds, String artist){
        this.songs.add(new Song(name, seconds, artist));
    public void removeSong(int position){

    public void setAuthor(String author){
        this.artist = author;

    public String getAuthor(){
        return this.artist;

Movie class: 电影课:

public class Movie implements Media {

    private String producer;

        this.producer = "";

    public void setAuthor(String author){
        this.producer = author;
    public String getAuthor(){
        return this.producer;

TABLE: http://pastebin.com/ETJGuQhD 表格: http//pastebin.com/ETJGuQhD

My solution was to make 3 Add-buttons instead of one - one for each type of object that can be added to the final ArrayList. 我的解决方案是制作3个“添加”按钮,而不是一个-每个可以添加到最终ArrayList的对象类型一个。 Then I made three separate add-functions, one for each button, and in each I not only add a row with a specific type already chosen, I also add an object of that type directly to the final ArrayList. 然后,我制作了三个单独的添加函数,每个按钮一个,并且在每个函数中,我不仅添加了已经选择的特定类型的行,而且还将该类型的对象直接添加到最终的ArrayList中。 Then I use the table.getRowSelection() as part of the createTable-function to pick out which one in the ArrayList to alter when I finish the list of Songs. 然后,我将table.getRowSelection()用作createTable函数的一部分,以在完成歌曲列表时选择要更改的ArrayList中的哪一个。 After which the songs are directly stored in the Album object pointed out. 之后将歌曲直接存储在指出的专辑对象中。

This way I can be sure that everything is in the right place, even though it is kinda clunky. 这样,即使有些笨拙,我也可以确保一切都在正确的位置。 But I'd rather finish on time than not finish on time. 但是我宁愿准时完成而不愿按时完成。

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