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Gitlab Trigger API返回404

[英]Gitlab Trigger API returns 404

I created a trigger (using settings/ci_cd page). 我创建了一个触发器(使用settings / ci_cd页面)。 The instructions below the trigger tell me to call it using version 3 API (of course, I set the token variable to the token stated under the trigger section): 触发器下方的说明告诉我使用版本3 API调用它(当然,我将令牌变量设置为触发器部分下面的令牌):

curl -X POST \
     -F token=${TOKEN} \
     -F ref=master \

Which only returns: 哪个只返回:

{"error":"404 Not Found"} {“未找到错误404”}

I also tried to follow the API v4 documentation : 我还尝试遵循API v4文档

curl --request POST \
     --form token=${TOKEN} \
     --form ref=master \

which returns the same error. 返回相同的错误。

Are there any additional settings required? 是否需要其他设置?

I had the same issue, but I was using Personal Access Token instead of Pipeline trigger token !! 我有同样的问题,但我使用的是Personal Access Token而不是Pipeline trigger token

You can generate this token inside your project repo CI/CD settings. 您可以在项目repo CI / CD设置中生成此令牌。 管道触发器

I retried the same request today, now it works. 我今天重试了同样的请求,现在它可行了。 Probably there has been some problem with the gitlab.com. 可能gitlab.com存在一些问题。

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