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[英]how to switch audio input between inbuilt mic and headset mic after a bluetooth headset is connected in android?

I am working with a voice recognition app. 我正在使用语音识别应用程序。 After a bluetooth headset is successfully connected to my android device, I want to freely switch audio input between the inbuilt mic and headset mic, how to do it? 蓝牙耳机成功连接到我的android设备后,我想在内置麦克风和头戴式麦克风之间自由切换音频输入,该怎么办?

You can use the following code to switch bluetooth headset mic. 您可以使用以下代码来切换蓝牙耳机麦克风。

AudioManager audiomanager= (AudioManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(AudioManager.ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED);
    mContext.registerReceiver(mBluetoothScoReceiver, intentFilter);

and listen for the broadcast receiver. 并收听广播接收器。

private BroadcastReceiver mBluetoothScoReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        int state = intent.getIntExtra(AudioManager.EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE, -1);

        if (state == AudioManager.SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED) {
            // Start recording audio
            log("audio connected");
        } else if(state == AudioManager.SCO_AUDIO_STATE_DISCONNECTED){
            log("audio disconnected");

and for switching(to disconnect bluetooth headset mic) you can use this code. 对于切换(断开蓝牙耳机麦克风),您可以使用此代码。


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