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MAMP Pro PHP不显示错误

[英]MAMP Pro PHP not showing errors

I am using MAMP Pro on my Mac which is great for development. 我在Mac上使用MAMP Pro,非常适合开发。 I do have a problem though. 我确实有问题。 It seems that MAMP Pro is very relaxed with my coding. MAMP Pro似乎对我的编码非常放松。 If I make an error it just ignores it and continues to render the page without displaying any error messages. 如果我出错了,它将忽略它并继续呈现页面而不显示任何错误消息。

This causes me problems when I push mods live as I then have to test again and rectify any issues in a live environment (not good!). 这会在我推送mod时给我带来麻烦,因为我随后必须再次测试并纠正实际环境中的所有问题(不好!)。

I have amended the php.ini file for the version of PHP I am using as per the following: 我已经按照以下方式针对正在使用的PHP版本修改了php.ini文件:

error_reporting  =  E_ALL
display_errors = On 

This has not fixed the problem. 这没有解决问题。

Anyone have any ideas? 有人有想法么?

Below are the MAMP PHP settings: 以下是MAMP PHP设置: 在此处输入图片说明

If you are using MAMP Pro, you can set all the error logging and displaying of errors from the PHP Tab. 如果使用的是MAMP Pro,则可以从“ PHP”选项卡设置所有错误记录和错误显示。 Note the sections titled What to log and Log errors . 请注意标题为What to log和“ Log errors


Once done, remember to restart MAMP so that the settings take affect. 完成后,请记住重新启动MAMP,以使设置生效。

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