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[英]How to assign JSON object parameters to some values in typescript?

I am currently using angular 2.0. 我目前正在使用angular 2.0。 I have a json object returned by a method like this. 我有一个像这样的方法返回的json对象。

this.propertiesService.addSeriesToChart(this.testId).subscribe(result => {
        this.result = result;

The addSeriesToChart() is in service which returns json object. addSeriesToChart()正在使用中,它返回json对象。

In the result returned, I have to assign some of the null values to few default values, I am trying like 在返回的结果中,我必须将一些空值分配给一些默认值,我正在尝试像

if (this.result != undefined && this.result != null) {
  this.result.json().channel.mark = "ABC"

But the mark parameter inside the json object does not seem setting "ABC", it always remain null. 但是json对象内部的mark参数似乎未设置为“ ABC”,它始终保持为null。 Am I doing something wrong here? 我在这里做错什么了吗?

Say you have a variable data in component class that you want to assign the data coming from json. 假设您要分配来自json的data在组件类中有一个可变data You can use an output property to emit the data that you receive on subscribing. 您可以使用output属性来发出您在订阅时收到的数据。

You can do this: 你可以这样做:

import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'user',
  template: '<div>Hi</div>'

export class AppComponent{
@Output() dataOutput:EventEmitter<Data> =
new EventEmitter<Data>()

this.propertiesService.addSeriesToChart(this.testId).subscribe(result => {
            this.data = result.json();

Here Data will be your model containing variables that you can map the json to: 这里的Data将是您的模型,其中包含可以将json映射到的变量:

export class Data{

Now in order to use the above AppComponent elsewhere in your app, you can bind the event: 现在,为了在应用程序的其他位置使用上述AppComponent ,可以绑定事件:

<user (dataOutput)="receiveData($event)"></user>

 export class PageComponent {

     getUIData(value: any) {
            for (var name in value.selected) { 
               if (this.datareceived!= undefined && this.datareceived!= null) { 
                  if (name == 'mark') 
                     //do whatever you feel like 

I think this will solve the case pretty much. 我认为这将解决很多情况。 I know this isn't exactly the solution as per your json but its a simplified way to get to it. 我知道这并不是您的json所提供的解决方案,而是一种简化的解决方案。 Try with it. 试试吧。

首先,您可以在发送响应时在服务时使用result.JSON()将对象转换为JSON,然后当您收集该JSON对象时,您必须将其转换为this.result = JSON.stringify(result)它适用于mi

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