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[英]Updating p in div with jQuery

I'm trying to update the text of a p element which has a .bus_latitude class. 我正在尝试更新具有.bus_latitude类的p元素的文本。

So first, I locate the parent div which has a data-* attribute . 因此,首先,我找到具有data-* attribute的父div。 After retrieving the div, I try to locate his closest p element which has the class .bus_latitude , and set his text to some static content. 检索div后,我尝试找到其最接近的p元素(其类为.bus_latitude ,并将其文本设置为静态内容。 I have tried enoumerous ways, specially because jQuery has various methods to do so, but none of them worked. 我尝试了许多方法,特别是因为jQuery有多种方法可以执行此操作,但是没有一种有效。

So here I inject a div with has a data-id attr this: 所以在这里,我注入一个具有data-id attr的div:

 var div = $('<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 bus_card" data-id="'+bus.getKey()+'"><br/><br/>'+ '<div class="thumbnail">'+ ' <div class="caption">'+ ' <div class="col-lg-12">'+ ' <div class="header">'+ ' <h4 class = "line_name" style="text-align:center;color:'+line.child("colorNormal").val()+';"><strong>Linha '+line.getKey()+'</strong></h4>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div class="col-lg-12 well well-add-card">'+ ' <h4 class="pull-left">Cartão:</h4>'+ ' <h4 class="pull-right">'+bus.child('cardid').val()+'</h4>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div class="col-lg-12 bus_information">'+ ' <div style="padding-left:10px!important;" class="row">'+ ' <p class="pull-left"><kbd>Latitude</kbd></p>'+ ' <p class="pull-right bus_latitude">'+bus.child('lat').val()+'</p>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div style="padding-left:10px!important;" class="row">'+ ' <p class="pull-left"><kbd>Longitude</kbd></p>'+ ' <p class="pull-right bus_longitude">'+bus.child('long').val()+'</p>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div style="padding-left:10px!important;" class="row">'+ ' <p class="pull-left"><kbd>Velocidade:</kbd></p>'+ ' <p class="pull-right bus_velocity">35km/h</p>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div style="padding-left:10px!important;white-space: nowrap; overflow:hidden;" class="row">'+ ' <p class="pull-left"><kbd>Geo-localização:</kbd></p>'+ ' <class = "bus_georeference">&nbsp&nbsp'+streetNameOfPosition+'</>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <button type="button" class="btn '+(bus.child('state').val() === 1 ? 'btn-danger' : 'btn-default')+' btn-xs btn-update btn-add-card">Em Terminal</button>'+ ' <button type="button" class="btn '+(bus.child('state').val() === 2 ? 'btn-danger' : 'btn-default')+' btn-xs btn-update btn-add-card">Em Andamento</button>'+ ' <button type="button" class="btn '+(bus.child('state').val() === 3 ? 'btn-danger' : 'btn-default')+' btn-xs btn-update btn-add-card">Em Paragem</button>'+ ' </div>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>').appendTo("#bus-cards-container"); 

So I have an event listener for a button to update the p element with some static content. 因此,我有一个按钮的事件侦听器,用于用一些静态内容更新p元素。

Here is where it isn't working: 这是不起作用的地方:

    function updateBusOnHTML(bus) {
       $("div[data-id='" + bus.getKey() +"'] .bus_information .bus_latitude").val("39.284035"); //this doesn't work, bus.getKey()

Both data-id are correct, even when the HTML is rendered, the div has the exact same id with the one that enters updateBusOnHTML(). 这两个data-id都是正确的,即使呈现HTML时,div的ID与输入updateBusOnHTML()的ID也是完全相同的。 So why doesn't it update the p text? 那为什么不更新p文本呢?

.val() is used to update the value of a form element like input . .val()用于更新诸如input之类的表单元素的值。 Use a method like .text() or .html() instead. 请改用.text().html()类的方法。

Another recommendation: use console.log() instead of alert() . 另一个建议:使用console.log()代替alert()

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