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在 Angular2 中的 router.navigate 之后执行代码

[英]Executing code after router.navigate in Angular2

I wonder if there is a way to execute something after i navigate to a different "view" using angular router.我想知道在使用角度路由器导航到不同的“视图”后是否有办法执行某些操作。

this.router.navigate(["/search", "1", ""]);
// Everything after navigate does not not get executed.

this.router.navigate returns a promise so you can simply use: this.router.navigate 返回一个 promise,所以你可以简单地使用:

 this.router.navigate(["/search", "1", ""]).then(()=>{ // do whatever you need after navigation succeeds });

Not entirely sure of the context but an option would be to subscribe to a change in the URL using ActivatedRoute不完全确定上下文,但一个选项是使用ActivatedRoute订阅 URL 中的更改

https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.html#!#activated-route https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.html#!#activated-route

Here's an example:下面是一个例子:

import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

private _routerSubscription: any;

// Some class or service

constructor(private _route: ActivatedRoute){
    this._routerSubscription = this._route.url.subscribe(url => {
        // Your action/function will go here

There are many other observables you can subscribe to in ActivatedRoute which are listed in that link if url isn't quite what you need.如果 url 不是您所需要的,那么您可以在ActivatedRoute中订阅许多其他可观察对象,这些可观察对象列在该链接中。

The subscription can be done in the constructor() or in an ngOnInit() depending on what suits you best, just remember to clean up after yourself and unsubscribe in an ngOnDestroy() :)订阅可以在constructor()ngOnInit()具体取决于最适合您的方式,请记住在自己之后清理并在ngOnDestroy()取消订阅 :)

// In javascript
this.router.navigate(["/search", "1", ""])
    .then(succeeded => {
            // Do your stuff
            // Do some other stuff
    .catch(error => {
        // Handle the error

// In typescript you can use the javascript example as well.
// But you can also do:
    let succeeded = await this.router.navigate(["/search", "1", ""]);
        // Do your stuff
        // Do some other stuff
    // Handle the error

如果您是从导航ComponentAComponentB导航,你可以做任何行动之后再ngOnInit()的函数ComponentB ,取决于在路由传递的参数。

You also have to ensure that there are no ongoing subscriptions... I faced the same problem and in my case there was a subscription which changed route.您还必须确保没有正在进行的订阅......我遇到了同样的问题,就我而言,有一个订阅改变了路线。 So the route has been changed twice.所以路线改了两次。 But practically you can use promises, thats right但实际上你可以使用 promises,没错

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