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[英]CSV Export: Multiple Database Rows to Single Row

Hi, 你好

The problem: I Have an Export from a Database, however it needs to extract data from two tables. 问题:我有一个从数据库导出的文件,但是它需要从两个表中提取数据。 I Achieve this with an inner join. 我通过内部联接实现了这一目标。

artikel is the table with the basic information. artikel是带有基本信息的表格。 It contains the id, article number, name, type and package form. 它包含ID,商品编号,名称,类型和包装形式。

article_content is the table which contains the text which is part of the article, however, there are multiple languages. article_content是包含文章一部分的文本的表,但是,有多种语言。 Every Article has a row for each language. 每篇文章每种语言都有一行。

The Export Code 出口代码

header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=artikeldatenbank-' . date("dmyhi") . '.csv');

$output = fopen('php://output', 'w');

$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT artikel.id, artikel.artikel_nummer, artikel.artikel_name, artikel.artikel_packung, artikel.artikel_cat, article_content.article_text, article_content.article_recuse, article_content.article_spec FROM artikel INNER JOIN article_content ON article_content.article_id = artikel.artikel_nummer');

$result = $stmt->get_result();

while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
fputcsv($output, $row);

What I want to Achieve 我想要实现的目标

I need every row from the article_content table by it's article in a single line, instead of multiple lines. 我需要article_content表中的每一行都位于同一行中,而不是多行中。 Sorry for the links, but imgur doesn't let me upload these. 抱歉,链接,但是imgur不允许我上传这些链接。 (Don't know why) (不知道为什么)

What happens now (image): http://prntscr.com/ek86bn 现在会发生什么(图片): http//prntscr.com/ek86bn

What I Want (edited image): http://prntscr.com/ek87ct 我想要什么(编辑图像): http : //prntscr.com/ek87ct

What is the best way to achieve this? 实现此目标的最佳方法是什么? Is this possible on the way I do it now? 我现在可以这样做吗?

Skip the VIEW solution, Solve it by code, my suggestion is 跳过VIEW解决方案,通过代码解决,我的建议是

$result = $stmt->get_result();

$artikeID = '';
$newRow = [];
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
    if($artikeID != $row['id'])
            fputcsv($output, $newRow);
            $newRow = [];
        $artikeID = $row['id'];
        $newRow = $row;
        $newRow['title-'.$row['id']] = $row['artikel_name'];
        $newRow['content-'.$row['id']] = $row['article_text'];

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